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Carole E. Goldberg Emeriti Service Award Recipient 2023-24

The Carole E. Goldberg Emeriti Service Award, established in 2015, recognizes UCLA emeriti for exemplary service by an emeritus/emerita professor to the academic enterprise after retirement. The award honors outstanding service in professional, University, Academic Senate, emeriti, departmental or editorial posts, or committees.

UCLA Professor Emeritus Robert Oye has been selected to receive the 2023 – 2024 Carole E. Goldberg Emeriti Service Award, which includes a prize of $1,000. 

       Robert K. Oye, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Clinical Medicine retired in 2021. He has been dedicated and tireless in his service and passion for teaching and
       building the academic strength of the Department of Medicine. During the 1990’s the medical school began to further develop the health sciences clinical
       professor series to better meet its educational mandate. As an accomplished clinician, researcher and administrator, Professor Oye took the lead in developing
       a system to mentor and support faculty in this series, who are expected to engage in scholarly and creative activities. To that end, and in his commitment to the
       academic mission, in 1997 he founded the journal, Proceedings of UCLA Health, and served as its Editor-in-Chief until 2024. Since retirement, Professor Oye
       engaged in the substantial task to transition Proceedings to become an online journal. His efforts have helped to institutionalize a remarkable vehicle to
       document and disseminate academic creativity, which is needed to advance and support these physician-educators. Dr. Oye has reviewed and edited all
       submissions to the Proceedings, which are primarily received from faculty in the Department of Medicine, but also from other faculty in Emergency Medicine,
       Pediatrics and Anesthesia. And, as Editor-in-Chief post-retirement, he published more than 600 of these articles, often communicating directly with authors
       regarding content and providing feedback that improves their ability to advance their scholarship. Dr. Oye continues to play a central role and is highly effective
       in his ability to encourage and mentor Health Science Clinical Professor series faculty. Through his guidance, he teaches them how to incorporate their clinical
       practice into their academic mission, as well as how to develop and demonstrate their creativity as teachers. He remains a trusted advisor to the Department of
       Medicine clinical and academic leaders.

Please join me in wishing Professor Emeritus Oye a well-deserved congratulations for outstanding service to UCLA since retirement and for serving as a powerful example of intellectual and professional achievement.



Michael S. Levine
Chair, Carole E. Goldberg Emeriti Service Award Selection Committee
Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs & Personnel