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Policy and Procedure for Summer Salary Policy

Policy and Procedure Governing Summer Salary Policy
Policy Guidelines


Professor, Professor-in-Residence, Adjunct Professor, Acting Professor, Visiting Professor, and Professor of Teaching.


Summer salary from all sources, including Summer Session, may not exceed 3/9ths of the annual base salary.

An individual may not receive compensation for more than 57 working days for research, teaching and/or administrative service.

Total compensation from all sources for service during the summer period may not exceed 3/9ths of an individual's nine-month salary rate (“effort base”).
Payments covered under this policy include research, teaching, administrative compensation, intercampus lectures or other consulting services, and summer session payments. University Extension payments, and payments made in connection with Self-Supporting Program teaching are also included. Payments of stipends for academic administrative service (and honorariums), are not included in the compensation.
Individuals compensated during the summer from more than one department need to exercise care that payments made and service performed in each department are coordinated and do not overlap or exceed limitation.


May receive additional compensation for work performed during their vacation period. A corresponding number of accrued vacation days must be deducted. Compensation may not exceed 1/12th of the annual base salary.


Under H.R. 1865 – Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, signed into law on December 20, 2019, salaries that are directly charged to contracts, grants and cooperative agreements funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) awards and other DHHS awards, are limited to the level of the Executive Level II of the Federal Executive Pay Scale. Unless specifically disallowed by a DHHS agency program, all DHHS awards will be subject to the Executive Level II annual salary rate. The Executive Level II rate was increased to $221,900 effective January 1, 2024. As a result, the salary cap for Fiscal Year 2023 (October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024) should be applied based on the Executive Level II rate at the time the salary was earned:

  • October 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023: capped at $212,100, and
  • January 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024: capped at $221,900

The DHHS salary cap may be imposed on some programs for non-profit sponsors and certain State of California grant programs. Please check the sponsor guidelines regarding their policy on the use of the current or previous NIH salary caps.

Executive Level II compensation is $221,900 per year as of January 1, 2024. This means that summer salary payments to an individual supported by NIH, SAMHSA, AHRQ or other funds to which this cap is applied, should be calculated using the rate of $18,491.67 ($221,900/12), for full-time effort.

While supplementation of DHHS-capped salaries paid to University of California faculty is allowable, it is subject to the availability of funds and is not an entitlement. Only fund sources other than state general funds, or contract and grant funds may be used for supplementation. Payment of supplements should be made as a by-agreement amount (BYA) using Title Code 3998 (Salary Supplementation).

Additional information about the DHHS/NIH salary cap can be accessed at:


Summer Salary is subject to a 6.20% OASDI matching employer charge until the employee’s earnings reach the amount of $168,600 during the 2024 calendar year. In addition, all payments are subject to a 1.45%* Medicare charge. Both the employee and the department will be assessed for the OASDI and Medicare charges. The department will be assessed Workers’ Compensation and Unemployment Insurance charges. The percentage factor depends on the fund source.

*The employee contribution to Medicare increases to 2.35% on any income paid after an employee’s year-to-date earnings exceed $200,000.


The total contribution rate will be 7% of eligible summer salary, based on an employee's pretax contribution of 3.5% and an employer pretax contribution of 3.5%. The employer contribution will be attributed to the same funding source that provides the academic appointee’s summer salary. This means a 3.5% employee out-of-pocket, pretax deduction, matched by an equal amount assessed to the fund source(s) used to pay the summer salary payment(s), for a total of 7% credited to the employee’s DCP investment choice. Please refer to APM 190, Appendix G.

All Non-Senate Faculty who are on full benefits (formerly Beli 1) during the academic year 2022-2023 and prior to the commencement of the summer session receive a Summer Session 2023 appointment are eligible for DCP for the Summer Session 2023.


Individuals employed for a full load (100% of full time) in Summer Sessions are not eligible for additional employment during the period of Summer Sessions service. Joint service in Summer Sessions and on other funding may not exceed a total of 100% of full-time or 3/9ths of an individual's nine-month salary rate.


Summer Quarter and vacation employment supported from extramural funds is limited in each case by the terms of the supporting contract or grant and per the agency’s policy. Employing units and Principal Investigators bear responsibility for determining that proposed summer quarter or vacation employment conforms with contract or grant terms or that the appropriate approvals are secured in advance of service. It is assumed that any individual employed against extramural funds will not be absent from the site of the research or teaching programs for vacation or other purposes during the period for which compensation is to be paid.


No sabbatical credit is earned for Summer Salary service and research.


Recipients of Faculty Career Development Awards for summer salary may accept additional summer employment other than during the period of the award. Total compensation from all sources, including the amount of the award, may not exceed 3/9ths of the annual salary.


Summer salary is paid on the monthly pay cycle and is included with the faculty member’s regular salary. Departments are required to make timely online entries for all summer salary.


Prior approval from the Dean is required to ensure that the site of research is in accordance with the terms of the contract or grant. If the employing unit does not report to a Dean, then the advance approval of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Personnel is required.

Payments for academics being appointed from other UC campuses should be processed using a “Multi-Location Appointment/Interlocation One-Time Payment Form.” This form can be accessed from the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office website at:


Advance approval of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Personnel is required on all appointments funded from 19900 funds exceeding 2/9ths and on all 1/12th vacation payments.

For 1/12th payments, please complete the “Additional Compensation for Fiscal Year Appointees” form and forward to the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office. This form can be accessed from the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office website at:



Web page updated May 9, 2023