Welcome to UCLA! You are joining a vibrant community of faculty in one of the top universities in the world!
We provide a variety of resources to support your transition and success.
Please attend any events to which you are invited in your first year at UCLA to meet others and gain useful information such as the New Senate Faculty Orientation, Chancellor's Reception, and Small Group Meetings with the Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost.
Below are some helpful links to assist you here at UCLA:
- Career Development - Information on teaching resources, mentoring, grants & awards, work life, and professional development opportunities.
- Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars - Provide international scholars, students, and their departments with visa services, resources, support and advocacy on campus.
- Khan - Learning to Teach
- Los Angeles County Cities - Community Profiles
- Faculty Housing - University-owned apartments and condominiums
- Relocation Expenses - Policies and procedures related to the payment of relocation expenses.
- UCLA Real Estate - Information on faculty housing and home loans.
- UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) - Leads and advances strategies for enhancing equity, diversity and inclusion.
- UCLA Office of Research and Creative Activities - Provide logistical support, policy guidance, strategic advice, and assistance in building relationships in furtherance of the UCLA research enterprise.
- Slack Channel: Search #UCLA New Faculty (Slack Tutorials)
A variety of workshops are provided for new and junior faculty throughout the school year.
Kerri Johnson, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor, Faculty Development
Professor of Communication
Rosina M. Becerra
Special Liaison for Faculty Development
(310) 206-9379