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Relocation Expenses

The University of California recognizes that in order to attract the highest quality faculty, it is sometimes appropriate to pay the moving expenses of new employees relocating to Los Angeles. To accommodate these arrangements the University has developed policies and procedures related to the payment of relocation expenses.

Relocation expenses is the reimbursement of actual traveling and moving expenses for the appointee and family within University travel regulations. It includes the packing, insurance and freight of the appointee’s household goods when supported by invoices and receipts. These costs also include the cost of travel to the new university location for the employee and his or/her immediate family. Relocation expenses are defined as the reasonable costs of moving household goods and personal effects to a new residence.

The Chancellor’s Office reimburses the first 50% of allowable expenses (the Dean’s advance approval is required). The Chancellor’s Office also reimburses 100% removal of an office, lab or library on the condition that such lab, library or office will be made available to the students and other faculty members in the Department. The office, lab or library has to be moved to the campus for reimbursement.

  • Prerequisite: Dean’s Approval
  • Expense: Chancellor’s Office reimburses the first 50%
                Optional Dean’s funding available by exception

Relocation expenses may be provided for certain new appointees (see "Eligible Faculty" below) to academic positions, but are not provided automatically. Relocation expenses are not provided automatically nor do they constitute a perquisite of University employment; they are paid in accordance with the purpose and procedure described in APM 560.


Eligible Faculty

  • Professor Series
  • Professor-in-Residence
  • Continuing Education Specialist Series
  • Field Work Supervisor
  • Supervisor of Teacher Education
  • Acting (if going to regular rank within one year of being appointed)
  • Professional Research (if cost is allowable under the contract or grant)
  • Postgraduate Researcher (Non-Student--if cost is allowable under the contract or grant)
  • Visiting appointees (who are subsequently appointed to the regular faculty ranks or to research series)

Moving Assistance

A listing of University contracted moving companies that will bill the university directly at reasonable rates is available via email by contacting in the Accounts Payable Department. Many extra services are provided with the UCLA contracted companies that normally are not available through self-contracted companies. Visit the Purchasing website at Click on Moving Household Goods for more information.

Travel Services

Check out the Travel Services forms webpage at:

Any questions, contact Deyna Barnard (310) 794-3364 and Dana Hernandez (310) 206-9683.