I. Definition of the Professor of Teaching Series
III. Compensation
A. General
B. Off-Scale Salary Limitations
C. Above-Scale Salary Limitations
IV. Employment
A. Recruitment
B. Criteria
C. Categories of Personnel Actions
D. Effective Dates of Personnel Actions
V. Advancement: Merits & Promotions
B. Promotion
C. Resubmission
VI. Fourth-Year Appraisal of an Assistant Professor of Teaching
B. Timing
C. No Appraisal
VII. Eight-Year Limit Review of an Assistant Professor of Teaching
A. Exclusions
IX. Preliminary Assessment of Non-Renewal of an Assistant Professor of Teaching
X. Reconsideration of a Terminal Appointment of an Assistant Professor of Teaching
XI. Non-Renewal of a Term Appointment for Budgetary Reasons and Programmatic Changes
XII. Termination of an Appointment
XIII. Five-Year Review of an Assistant Professor of Teaching
I. Definition of the Professor of Teaching Series
The Professor of Teaching series is used for appointees who are members of the faculty of an academic or professional college, school, division, department, or program of the University whose primary responsibility is teaching and teaching-related tasks and secondary responsibility is professional and/or scholarly achievement and activity, including creative activity, especially as they relate to instruction and pedagogy. The faculty in this series also have responsibility for University and public service. — Academic Personnel Manual Section 285-4-a opens a new window.
The use of the following working titles is approved:
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
Assistant Teaching Professor |
Associate Professor of Teaching |
Associate Teaching Professor |
Professor of Teaching |
Teaching Professor |
II. Characteristics of Series
A. Ranks and Steps
Rank |
Step |
Assistant Professor of Teaching | I-VI |
Associate Professor of Teaching |
I-V |
Professor of Teaching |
I-IX & Above Scale |
B. Term of Service
Rank |
Term of Appointment |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
2 years (or less) |
Associate Professor of Teaching & Professor of Teaching |
Security of Employment |
Appointment to the Professor of teaching series can be made only to a position which has been allocated for that purpose to the department as a permanent FTE, after approval by the Chancellor, upon recommendation by the Dean and the Council on Academic Personnel. Such an allocation will be made only if it is demonstrated that there is a programmatic need for the allocation because the position is one with functions which cannot be performed by an appointee in the Regular Professor Series or by a temporary appointee. Temporary appointments, in the normal circumstances in which there is not such allocation of a permanent FTE, should be made as Associate or Professor of Teaching pursuant to the policy statement describing those titles. See Appendix 9 for "Procedures and Criteria for the Review of the Professor of Teaching Series."
It is the policy of the University that primary responsibility for teaching should rest upon faculty members of professorial rank who have demonstrated their ability both in teaching and in research or other creative achievement. Thus an appointment in the Professor of Teaching series, which involves allocation of a permanent FTE to the position, will not be made for a position with functions which can be filled by an appointee in the Regular Professorial Series or by a temporary appointee. A programmatic need for allocation of an FTE for the appointment in the Professor of Teaching series must be demonstrated by a department in the dossier of the proposed personnel action if there has not been such prior approval in connection with appointment of the individual as an Associate or Full Professor of Teaching as described above. Such an allocation of the FTE must be approved by the Chancellor, after recommendation by the Dean and review of the proposed allocation by the Council on Academic Personnel.
Appointees to this series may teach courses of any grade.
Appointment to this series does not involve responsibilities to engage in research.
In view of the limited responsibilities in areas other than teaching, appointees to this series normally will be assigned heavier instructional loads (relative to full-time equivalent service) than those normally carried by departmental appointees in the professorial series.
C. Service Requirements
Basic appointment normally must be at 100% of full time (subject to temporary reduction and to changes reflecting combined service in administrative and/or research capacities).
Appointment for less than full-time service and voluntary permanent reduction from full- to part-time appointment may be authorized by the Chancellor. Such authorization will not normally be granted when the individual's professional commitment is to be divided between the University and another institution or organization.
Assistant Professor of Teaching:
- All appointments to the ranks of Assistant Professor of Teaching are for specified terms.
- The initial term of appointment of an Assistant Professor of Teaching ends on the second June 30th after the effective date of the appointment.
- Unless the appointee is specifically advised to the contrary by the Chancellor prior to the effective date of renewal of appointment, each new term of appointment of an Assistant Professor of Teaching is for two years.
- A new two-year term commences effective with merit advancement.
- Periods of approved leave with or without salary and of temporary transfer to administrative and/or research capacities count as part of a two-year term.
- In order to make clear to an Assistant Professor of Teaching that the appointment is for a definite term, all correspondence for such appointees must reflect the specific ending date of the term.
D. Security of Employment
Security of Employment is granted upon appointment or promotion as Associate Professor of Teaching or Professor of Teaching.
E. Limit on Service
Rank |
Limit on Service |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
8 years |
Associate Professor of Teaching & Professor of Teaching |
None |
See Appendix 14 on "Guide to the Computation of Years of Service Which Count Toward the Eight-Year Limit" for service as an Assistant Professor of Teaching.
F. Employment Funding
Basic appointments must be charged against the Academic Salaries account of a department of Instruction and Research supported from General Funds (accounts numbered 4-40XXXX-19900-0). FTE and funding must be provided from permanently available faculty provisions.
Temporary transfers may be made to extramural funds. The requisite effort and time must be devoted to each extramural source which provides compensation for service rendered under a title in this series.
G. Senate Membership
Rank |
Senate Member |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
Yes |
Associate Professor of Teaching |
Yes |
III. Compensation
A. General
Individuals appointed in the Professor of Teaching series are compensated at a rate within the published range on the Ladder Rank Salary Scales. Associate Professors of Teaching may not receive less than the rate for Associate Professor, Step I. Professors of Teaching may not receive less than the rate for Professor, Step 1. Determination of rate is based on professional qualification. The period of service for a normal merit or promotion is determined by the service period specified at comparable professorial salary levels.
Any salary advance:
- involving an increase in excess of the percent of merit increase at the comparable professorial salary level; and/or
- occurring after less than the above described normal periods of service, requires demonstration of unusual contribution.
B. Off-Scale Salary Limitations
Deans not serving as Chair have Off-Scale approval authority up to and including the next step. All Off-Scale rates must be in multiples of $100. For all other Off-Scale salary up to the Regental threshold, the Chancellor is the final approval authority. Salaries exceeding this threshold require Regental approval (refer to annually published UC Salary Scales for Regental thresholds). See Appendix 17 for "Summary of UCLA Policy on Off-Scale Salaries."
C. Above-Scale Salary Limitations
The Chancellor has the authority to approve Above-Scale salaries up to the Regental threshold (refer to annually published UC Salary Scales for Regental thresholds). Approval of salaries beyond this approval authority require Regental action.
IV. Employment
A. Recruitment
Please see Appendix 22, "Summary of Recruitment Policy" and Appendix 23, "Faculty Search Guidelines" regarding search requirements and required documentation.
B. Criteria
Criteria for assessment of individual qualifications are set forth in Appendix 9, "Procedures and Criteria for the Review of the Professor of Teaching Series."
In addition to demonstration of individual qualification, appointment or transfer to this series, retention in this series, and appointment to security of employment involve consideration of such factors as programmatic need and availability of funding.
C. Categories of Personnel Actions
Employment encompasses the following types of personnel actions:
- Appointment
Initial employment in the series or permanent intercampus transfer. Review and submission of a dossier are required for appointment. - Re-employment
Appointment in the same series after a previous separation. Review and submission of a dossier are required. - Renewal of Appointment/Reappointment
Appointment immediately following the ending date of an appointment made at the Assistant Professor of Teaching rank. Review and submission of dossier is required, once their two-year term has expired. - Change in Series
Transfer to another academic series. Review and submission of a dossier are required. See Appendix 26 for dossier content and search requirements. - Change of Department
Transfer from one department to another. Review and submission of dossier are required. - Split Appointment
Permanent salaried appointments where the faculty position is divided between two or more departments, when taken together, total 100%. Review and submission of a dossier are required. Also see Appendix 15 for policies governing Interdepartmental Degree Programs and Centers for Interdisciplinary Instruction. - Joint Appointment
Appointment to an additional department on a without salary basis where the faculty position remains based in the home department. Review and submission of dossier are required. Please see Appendix 15, "Joint and Split Appointments" for instructions regarding secondary department participation in subsequent reviews. - Temporary Appointment
Appointments made on a year-to-year basis to academic administrative positions or to temporary research positions require no dossier. - Informal Extra-Departmental Affiliations
An informal relationship (not a Joint or Split Appointment) with an Organized Research Unit, research center, or interdepartmental teaching program. An evaluation of the appointee's contribution to that program should be submitted in all actions requiring a dossier. Also see Appendix 37 for Interdisciplinary Activity.
D. Effective Dates of Personnel Actions
The effective date of an appointment is the first day on which payment begins.
For Academic Year (9-month) appointments, the effective date of the appointment will not coincide with the begin date of the service period. Effective dates for Academic Year appointments commence as follows:
July 1 – Fall Quarter
November 1 – Winter Quarter
March 1 – Spring Quarter
The effective date for Fiscal Year appointments will always coincide with the first day of service.
E. Senate Reviews
The following tables apply to all Schools and Colleges.
1. Appointment, Re-employment and Change in Series
Recommended Salary Level Comparable to |
Review |
Assistant Professor I-IV |
Senate Review waived |
Associate Professor I & Above-Scale |
Associate Professor of Teaching & Professor of Teaching |
CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate) |
2. Renewal of Appointment/Reappointment
Rank |
Review |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
Senate Review waived |
When review for renewal coincides with a required appraisal or a merit increase or both, a single combined dossier should be submitted. Such a dossier is subject to the review, approval authority policies and procedural requirements for appraisals if appraisal is required, or merit increases if appraisal is not required.
3. Change of Department and Split Appointment
Rank |
Review |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
Senate Review waived |
Associate Professor of Teaching & Professor of Teaching |
CAP only |
4. Joint Appointment (WOS Appointments)
Rank |
Authority |
All Ranks |
Senate Review waived |
F. Approval Authority
Authority to approve or deny recommendations rests at the indicated administrative levels.
Employment actions for a Academic Year (9-month) appointment approved by the Dean after the first day of the service period requires Chancellor's approval for the retroactivity.
For Fiscal Year appointees, employment actions approved by the Dean more than 6 months after the effective date of the appointment requires Chancellor's approval for the retroactivity.
1. Appointment, Re-employment and Change in Series
Dentistry, Law and Nursing
Rank |
Review |
All Ranks |
Chancellor |
Arts and Architecture, Education and Information Studies, Engineering and Applied Science, Letters and Science, Management, Medicine, Music, Public Health, Public Affairs, and Theater, Film & Television
Rank |
Recommended Salary Comparable to |
Authority |
Assistant Professor of teaching |
Assistant Professor IV |
Dean |
Associate Professor of Teaching |
Associate Professor I & Above-Scale |
Chancellor |
Professor of Teaching |
Professor I - IX |
Chancellor |
2. Renewal of Appointment/Reappointment
Dentistry, Law and Nursing
Rank |
Authority |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
Chancellor |
Arts and Architecture, Education and Information Studies, Engineering and Applied Science, Letters and Science, Management, Medicine, Music, Public Health, Public Affairs, and Theater, Film & Television
Rank |
Authority |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
Dean |
3. Change of Department and Split Appointment
Dentistry, Law and Nursing
Rank |
Authority |
All Ranks |
Chancellor |
Arts and Architecture, Education and Information Studies, Engineering and Applied Science, Letters and Science, Management, Medicine, Music, Public Health, Public Affairs, and Theater, Film & Television
Rank | Recommended Salary Comparable to | Authority |
Assistant Professor of Teaching | Assistant Professor I - IV | Dean |
Associate Professor of Teaching | Associate Professor | Chancellor |
Professor of Teaching | Professor I - IX | Chancellor |
4. Joint Appointment (WOS Appointments)
Dentistry, Law and Nursing
Rank |
Authority |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
Chancellor |
Arts and Architecture, Education and Information Studies, Engineering and Applied Science, Letters and Science, Management, Medicine, Music, Public Health, Public Affairs, and Theater, Film & Television
Rank |
Authority |
All Ranks |
Dean |
G. General Restrictions
The following restrictions govern all employment:
- compliance with recruitment and search requirements; and
- any exception to policy governing the series requires approval of the Chancellor.
V. Advancement: Merits & Promotions
Advancement encompasses merits, merits to Above-Scale and Further Above-Scale and promotions. Funding for promotion and merit increase are subject to the availability of funds. Advancements become effective July 1st. See APM 200-17a opens a new window for policy regarding the payment of salary increases associated with merits and promotions.
Eligibility does not imply automatic advancement. Departments are required to review the record of each individual when the individual becomes eligible for a normal merit increase or promotion to determine whether or not advancement should be recommended. Advancement follows only upon demonstration of qualification following review.
A dossier must be submitted whether or not Senate Review is waived. See the "Summary of Procedure" section for detailed procedural requirements associated with each category of advancement.
The responsibilities of Recommending Officers are set forth in the Appendix 1, "Guidelines for Department Chairs and Other Recommending Officers" and Appendix 2, "Synopsis of Academic Personnel Manual Section 220." For an individual with a Joint or Split Appointment, see Appendix 15.
In addition, when an individual has an informal extra-departmental affiliation, the primary department is to obtain from the head of the other unit, an evaluation of the individual's contribution to that program. The evaluation should include the individual's scholarly work, names of faculty members who might serve as members of a campus ad hoc review committee, and names of persons at other institutions from whom evaluations of the individual's scholarly work might be solicited by the department. Any such material provided to the department shall be included by the department in the resulting dossier. In the absence of departmental initiative, the head of the other unit may act freely in proposing departmental consideration of an appropriate personnel action, and may submit to the department any of the material described above.
Note: If service began on or before January 1 for a Fiscal Year appointee or the beginning of the winter quarter for an Academic Year (9-month) appointee, the full year is credited toward eligibility.
A. Merit Increase
Advancement in salary not involving change in rank. Review and submission of dossier are required for merit increase and normally occurs during the year prior to advancement. Review for merit increases through salary levels comparable to Professor V, Professor VII, VIII and IX involves evaluation of performance during the full period of service in the current salary level. Review for merit increases to salary levels comparable to Professor VI and Professor Above-Scale involves evaluation of performance during the individual's entire academic career.
Note: When review for merit increase coincides with either a required appraisal or review for renewal of appointment or both, a single combined dossier should be submitted. Such a dossier is subject to the review, approval authority policies and procedural requirements for appraisals if appraisal is required, or merit increases if appraisal is not required.
1. Normal Merit Increase
All personnel completing the requisite number of years of service in the indicated salaries of this series are eligible for normal merit increase to the indicated salary levels effective July 1st:
Current Status |
Normal Merit Increase after Requisite Years at Current salary level |
Salary level less than rate for Professor I |
2 |
Salary level greater than rate for Professor I |
3 |
2. Accelerated Merit Increase
Advancement in step in advance of eligibility or to a higher step than normal constitutes acceleration and requires evidence of exceptional achievement.
3. Deferred Merit
Merit increases that are deferred by one or more years are not subject to Senate Review unless requested by the candidate.
4. Merit Increase to a salary level comparable to Professor V, VI, VII, VIII and IX
There is no specified normal period of service at salary levels comparable to those above IV and eligibility based on years of service does not apply to advancements beyond Step V salary levels. Service at Step V salary levels and above may be of indefinite duration.
Advancement to a salary level comparable to Step VI is based not only upon performance since the last preceding advancement but also upon performance during the individual's entire academic career.
- Advancement to a salary level comparable to Step VI will be granted on evidence of highly distinguished scholarship, highly meritorious service, and evidence of excellent University teaching. Great distinction, recognized nationally or internationally, in scholarly or creative achievement or in teaching is expected. Advancement to a salary level comparable to Step VI normally will not occur after less than three years at a salary level comparable to Step V.
- Advancement to a salary level comparable to Steps VII, VIII and IX will only be granted on evidence of continuing achievement at the level required for advancement to Step VI. Advancement and normally will not occur after less than three years at current level.
5. Senate Review
All Schools and Colleges
Advancement to a Salary Level Comparable to |
Advancement |
Review |
Assistant Professor I - IV |
All |
Senate Review waived |
Associate Professor I - III |
Normal or one year |
Senate Review waived |
Associate Professor I - III |
Two years or more |
CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate) |
Professor I - V, VII, VIII & IX |
Normal, one or two |
Senate Review waived* |
Professor I - V, VII, VIII & IX |
Three years or more |
CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate) |
Professor VI, & Above-Scale |
All |
CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate) |
Further Above-Scale |
All |
CAP only |
*Senate Review is waived except in cases where two (2) consecutive, two-year accelerations have been sought.
6. Approval Authority
Authority to approve or deny recommendations rests at the indicated administrative levels except that:
- any merit increase for a Academic Year (9-month) appointee approved by the Dean after the first day of the service for the Fall Quarter, requires Chancellor's approval for the retroactivity.
- any merit increase for a Fiscal Year appointee approved by the Dean after September 1st, requires Chancellor's approval for the retroactivity.
- any merit increase of two years acceleration in the Full Professor of Teaching rank (except salary levels comparable to Professor Step VI) has the final approval authority of the Dean, except in cases where two (2) consecutive, two-year accelerations have been sought; the Chancellor has final approval authority.
Dentistry, Law and Nursing
Advancement to a Salary Level Comparable to |
Advancement Type |
Authority |
All Ranks |
All |
Chancellor |
Arts and Architecture, Education and Information Studies, Engineering and Applied Science, Letters and Science, Management, Medicine, Music, Public Health, Public Affairs, and Theater, Film & Television
Advancement to a Salary Level Comparable to |
Advancement Type |
Authority |
Assistant Professor I -VI |
Normal or one year of Acceleration |
Dean |
Assistant Professor I -VI |
Two years or more of Acceleration |
Chancellor |
Associate Professor I - III |
Normal or one year of Acceleration |
Dean* |
Associate Professor IV & V |
Normal or one year of Acceleration (See Appendix 13) |
Chancellor |
Associate Professor I - V |
Two years or more of Acceleration |
CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate) |
Professor I - V, VII, VIII & IX |
Normal, one or two years of Acceleration |
Dean* |
Professor I - V, VII, VIII & IX |
Three years or more of Acceleration |
Chancellor |
Professor VI, Above-Scale & Further Above-Scale |
All |
Chancellor |
*Senate Review is waived except in cases where two (2) consecutive, two-year accelerations have been sought.
B. Promotion
Advancement in rank within series. Review and submission of dossier are required for Promotion and should occur during the year prior to advancement. Review for Promotion involves evaluation of performance since appointment, with emphasis on the period of service at the current rank of Associate Professor of Teaching.
1. Normal Promotion
All personnel completing the requisite number of years of service in the indicated steps of this series are eligible for normal promotion to the indicated rank and step effective July 1st. See APM 200-17a opens a new window opens a new window(pdf) for policy regarding the payment of salary increases associated with merits and promotions.
Eligibility does not imply automatic advancement. Advancement follows only upon demonstration of qualification following review:
Assistant Professor of teaching at Salary Level Comparable to: |
Years at Salary Level |
Normal Promotion |
Assistant Professor IV |
2 |
Associate Professor of Teaching |
Assistant Professor of Teaching or associate professor of teaching at Salary Level Comparable to: |
Years at Salary Level | Normal Promotion |
Associate Professor III |
2 |
Professor of Teaching |
2. Accelerated Promotion
Promotion in advance of eligibility or to a higher rank or salary than normal constitutes acceleration and requires evidence of unusual achievement and exceptional promise.
3. Senate Review
All Schools and Colleges
Rank |
Review |
Associate Professor of Teaching & Professor of Teaching |
CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate) |
4. Approval Authority
All Schools and Colleges
Rank |
Authority |
Associate Professor of Teaching & Professor of Teaching |
Chancellor |
C. Resubmission
Resubmission of a departmental recommendation in a case in which there was a final negative decision for advancement or promotion of an Associate Professor of Teaching or Professor of Teaching may be made, after appropriate departmental review of the resubmitted file, in any year succeeding the year in which the original submission was made. Except in unusual cases, a final academic personnel decision will not be reconsidered in the same year the case was originally submitted, and a resubmitted proposal will not be approved unless sufficient new evidence has been added to the file.
VI. Fourth-Year Appraisal of an Assistant Professor of Teaching
A formal evaluation of an Assistant Professor of Teaching which is made in order to arrive at the prospects of the candidate for eventual promotion and to provide information to the candidate regarding those prospects. Please submit a statement from the Dean for each Appraisal.
A. Classifications
Appraisals are characterized as:
- "Favorable" - indicating an assessment that it appears likely that the individual will eventually qualify for promotion to the Associate rank.
- "With Reservations" - indicating an assessment that there is identified weakness or imbalance in the record which appears to require correction in order for the individual eventually to qualify for promotion to the Associate rank.
- "Unfavorable" - indicating an assessment that on the present evidence it appears unlikely that the individual will eventually qualify for promotion to the Associate rank.
B. Timing
Appraisals are normally to be conducted during the fourth year of combined service as an Assistant Professor of Teaching and in combination with any other service counting toward the Eight-Year Limit.
Appraisal may also be conducted at any time during service as Assistant Professor of Teaching at the election of the department or when requested by the appointee, Dean, Council on Academic Personnel, or Chancellor.
When a required appraisal coincides with review for renewal of appointment or merit increase or both, a single combined dossier should be submitted. Such a dossier is subject to review, approval authority policies and procedural requirements for appraisal.
Note: Whenever the department's appraisal is "unfavorable," a vote must be taken and recommendation made with respect to the separate question of the individual's continued appointment. A department may recommend an (a) unfavorable appraisal and continuation of appointment; or (b) unfavorable appraisal with recommendation for non-renewal. See Section VIII below on "Non-Renewal of Appointment of an Assistant Professor of Teaching as a result of a Personnel Review" for procedures regarding non-renewal.
When the department recommends a "with reservations" or "unfavorable" appraisal of the likelihood of eventual promotion, if the record demonstrates positive elements such as conscientious and effective service the department may wish to recommend a merit increase without thereby qualifying its less than "favorable" appraisal.
C. No Appraisal
No Appraisal is required if the individual:
- is being recommended for promotion effective the following July 1st;
- has been given notice of a terminal appointment;
- is subject to an Eight-Year Limit Review; or
- has given written notice of resignation.
D. Senate Review
All Schools and Colleges
Rank |
Appraisal Type |
Review |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
"Favorable," "With Reservations" or "Unfavorable" Appraisals |
CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate) |
E. Approval Authority
All Schools and Colleges
Rank |
Appraisal Type |
Authority |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
"Favorable," "With Reservations" or "Unfavorable" Appraisals |
Chancellor |
Any appraisal for a Academic Year (9-month) appointee approved by the Dean after the first day of the service for the Fall Quarter, requires Chancellor's approval for the retroactivity.
Any appraisal for a Fiscal Year appointee approved by the Dean after September 1st, requires Chancellor's approval for the retroactivity.
VII. Eight-Year Limit Review of an Assistant Professor of Teaching
An Assistant Professor of Teaching who has completed eight years of service in that title or in combination with other designated titles, cannot be continued after the eighth year unless promoted. See Appendix 14, "Guide to the Computation of Years of Service Which Count Toward the Eight-Year Limit."
Review and submission of a dossier are required for consideration of promotion no later than the seventh year of service. Departments may recommend either to promote or not. If, as a final outcome of the review process, a decision not to promote is rendered, notice will be issued and a one-year terminal appointment will result.
A. Exclusions
1. A review during the seventh year of service is not conducted when:
- the appointee has given written notice of resignation, or
- a terminal appointment has already resulted as a result of a prior review.
2. A review during the seventh year of service may be postponed when:
- a request for stopping the clock for substantial child care of a newborn as provided in
APM 133-17(h) has been previously approved, or - a leave of absence has been previously approved to be excluded from service toward the eight-year limit.
See Appendix 25, "Leaves of Absence" for further information. For categories of certain leaves of absence that can be excluded from the count toward the Eight-Year Limit, see Appendix 14 for "Guide to the Computation of Years of Service Which Count Toward the Eight-Year Limit."
B. Senate Review
All Schools and Colleges
Rank |
Review |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate) |
C. Approval Authority
All Schools and Colleges
Rank |
Authority |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
Chancellor |
Note: The final decision by the Chancellor not to promote, cannot be made without the appropriate Preliminary Assessment notification process. See Section IX for process.
VIII. Non-Renewal/ Non-Reappointment of an Assistant Professor of Teaching as a result of a Personnel Review
Except in instances of resignation or dismissal for good cause, non-renewal of the appointment of an Assistant Professor of Teaching follows only upon review. Review and submission of dossier are required during the second year of each term as an Assistant Professor of Teaching until the individual becomes subject to an Eight-Year Limit Review. The department may only recommend (a) renewal for a two-year term or (b) non-renewal. However, a department may, institute a review in the first year of term and recommend non-renewal beyond the current two year term.
A. Formal Procedures
- Though an appointment to a title in this series with a specified ending date expires by its own terms on that date, a recommendation not to continue made on the basis of performance, can only occur as the result of a review. See Section XI if non-renewal is due to budgetary reasons, programmatic changes, or lack of work.
- The Chancellor will upon receipt of a written request from the individual provide a written statement of the reasons for non-renewal of appointment (with copies to the Dean and Chair).
B. Senate Reviews
All Schools and Colleges
Rank |
Review |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate) |
C. Approval Authority
All Schools and Colleges
Rank | Authority |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
Chancellor |
Note: The final decision by the Chancellor not to renew, cannot be made without the appropriate Preliminary Assessment process. See Section IX for process.
IX. Preliminary Assessment of Non-Renewal of an Assistant Professor of Teaching
If as a result of a review of an Assistant Professor of Teaching, the Chancellor's Preliminary Assessment, is not to renew or promote, or is contrary to the departmental recommendation, the Department Chair and the candidate shall be notified of this in writing by the Chancellor, and be provided with all records placed in the personnel review file subsequent to the departmental review.
The final decision, made by the Chancellor to make a terminal appointment, or not to reappoint or promote, shall not be made without the appropriate Preliminary Assessment notification process and opportunity to respond being provided to the candidate.
A. Formal Procedures
- The Department Chair and the candidate shall be notified of this in writing by the Chancellor and be provided with all records placed in the personnel review file subsequent to the departmental review.
- The candidate shall have the opportunity to provide additional information and documentation and may respond in writing either to the Department Chair or directly to the Chancellor.
- The Chair, after appropriate consultation within the department, shall have the opportunity to respond in writing and to provide additional information and documentation.
- The personnel review file, as augmented by the added material, shall then be considered in any stage of the review process as designated by the Chancellor before a final decision by the Chancellor is reached.
B. Terminal Appointment
When a personnel review results in a final decision (1) not to renew the appointment of an Assistant Professor of Teaching, or, (2)not to promote as the result of an eight-year limit review, the Chancellor will provide the individual with written notification of a terminal appointment.
a.) With less than one (1) year of service as an Assistant Professor of Teaching by the end of the current period of appointment: at least a four (4) month notice.
b.) With at least one (1) complete year of service and not more than two (2) years of service as an Assistant Professor of Teaching by the end of the current period of appointment: at least a six (6)-month notice.
c.) With more than two (2) years of service as an Assistant Professor of Teaching by the end of the current period of appointment: at least a twelve (12)-month notice.
If so desired, the individual may request of the Chancellor that a written statement of the reasons for the non-renewal or decision not to promote be provided. This statement will only be provided upon receipt of a written request.
X. Reconsideration of a Terminal Appointment of an Assistant Professor of Teaching
If an Assistant Professor of Teaching is given notice of non-renewal or of a terminal appointment, the faculty member may request reconsideration by the Chancellor. The presumption is that the previous decision was correct, and it will be an unusual case where that decision, which resulted from a lengthy and careful set of reviews, will be reversed on reconsideration. The prior decision will be reversed only if there is substantial new evidence which strengthens the area(s) of weakness in the original record to the extent that the total record now meets the standard for promotion.
A. Formal Procedures
- A faculty member's request for Reconsideration should be communicated to the Chair. The Chair should consult with the faculty member regarding the request and inform the faculty member in writing of the deadline for submission of additional materials, in order to permit timely departmental review. Departments should establish a deadline for making additions to the record, and a time schedule for departmental faculty review, so that there can be timely submission of the case to the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office. Additions to the record may not be made after the deadline date established by the department. Unless a different deadline has been approved by the Chancellor, the deadline for submission to the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office of a request for reconsideration, including all additions to the record, is the announced date for submission of departmental recommendations in promotion cases. Submission of a request for Reconsideration, consideration of the case in the personnel process, and/or reaffirmation of the original decision will not extend, or otherwise affect, the prior notice of non-renewal after a specified date, or notice of terminal appointment ending on a specified date.
- A departmental recommendation regarding reconsideration should be submitted by the Chair in accordance with normal academic personnel procedures. There must be a review and vote by the departmental faculty, recommending either reaffirmation or reversal of the previous decision, pursuant to the department's procedures for consideration of promotions of Assistant Professors. The department should:
- explicitly identify what new evidence, since the earlier review, is now in the file;
- explicitly evaluate whatever new evidence there may be; and
- make a judgment whether the new evidence, if any, is so substantial that, taken together with the record in the previous review, the earlier decision should be reversed.
- The file must include new Certification Statements signed by the candidate. In transmitting the departmental recommendation the Chair should include in his or her letter a summary of the department's consideration of each of the above three matters. Ordinarily, additional evaluations of previously submitted material will not be viewed as "substantial new evidence."
- A request for reconsideration does not automatically initiate consideration of the case by the entire review process. After consultation with the Council on Academic Personnel, the Chancellor determines whether a given case should be referred to an ad hoc review committee and whether this should be the original committee or a new committee. If the case is not referred to an ad hoc review committee, or, if it is so referred, after this committee makes its report, the case is considered in normal review channels, including the Office of the appropriate Dean and the Council on Academic Personnel. Final action is taken by the Chancellor.
XI. Non-Renewal of a Term Appointment for Budgetary Reasons and Programmatic Changes
If there is a proposal that an Assistant Professor of Teaching not be renewed and if fiscal or programmatic considerations are significant factors in the case, the facts of the matter shall be fully discussed with the Council on Academic Personnel, and the Council shall be furnished with the results of the Chancellor's consultation with other Senate committees on the fiscal and programmatic considerations. The Chancellor shall consider the Council's advice on the case prior to making a final decision.
XII. Termination of an Appointment
Termination prior to the approved ending date of appointment of an Assistant Professor of Teaching or termination of an Associate Professor of Teaching or Professor of Teaching may be only for good cause and is subject to the provisions of Academic Senate Bylaw 40.3E. opens a new window
XIII. Five-Year Review of an Assistant Professor of Teaching
Academic Personnel Manual Section 200-0 opens a new window (pdf) mandates that "Every faculty member shall be reviewed at least every five years." Appendix 12 describes in detail the purpose of the Five-Year Review, the criteria to be applied, and the procedure involved. Two features are emphasized regarding the Five-Year Review:
- the Five-Year Review process only applies to those instances in which a faculty member has not been reviewed in the course of a merit increase or promotion review in the previous five years; and
- the procedure is designed to be flexibly applied to the various levels.
Revised 5/1/2024
Web page updated 7/22/2024