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Appendix 2: Synopsis of APM 220 80-c, d, e and h

I. Applies to Personnel Actions in the following Series at UCLA other than initial Appointment:

  • Professor
  • Professor-in-Residence
  • Adjunct Professor
  • Acting Professor
  • Professor of Clinical (X)
  • Clinical Professor (Compensated)
  • Professor of Teaching
  • Professional Research
  • Visiting Professional Research

II. Chair’s Responsibilities

A. Before Personnel Review File is Assembled (APM 220-80-c)

  1. Notify candidate of impending review (assumes orally).
  2. Inform candidate about entire review process (provide access to or copies of APM 210-1, 220 and 160).
  3. Provide candidate with an opportunity to ask questions, to supply pertinent information and evidence, and, where relevant, to suggest names for letters of evaluation (all solicited letters to be included in personnel review file).
  4. Inform candidate of right to make desired additions to file.
  5. Inform candidate of right to provide, in writing to the Chair, names of persons either extramural or intramural, who in view of candidate for reasons set forth, may not provide objective evaluation.

B. Before Departmental Recommendation Determination (APM 220-80-d)

  1. Provide candidate with opportunity to inspect and initial all documents in review file other than confidential documents (as defined in APM-160-20-b(1).
  2. Provide an opportunity for the candidate to review the substance of letters of evaluation in the file, appropriately redacted so as not to reveal the names or identities of individual evaluators (e.g., removing the name, title, institutional affiliation, and relational information below the signature block of the letter of evaluation).
  3. Advise candidate of right to submit for inclusion in review file a written statement in response to or comment upon file material.

C. Prior to Transmittal of Personnel Review File (APM 220-80-e)

Chair’s departmental recommendation letter shall be available for inspection to eligible voters on the matter, designated committee or group of members, in accord with procedures adopted by department (per Committee on Privilege and Tenure, eligible voters determine such procedures for each type of personnel action).

D. Before or at Time of Transmittal of Personnel Review File

  1. Inform candidate of the departmental recommendation and of the substance of departmental evaluations under each of the applicable criteria providing access by the candidate to the Chair’s letter setting forth the departmental recommendation.
  2. The report to the candidate of the departmental vote may be in terms of unanimous, strong or a narrow majority rather than a precise count (if in writing, copy to be included in file).
  3. Advise candidate of right to make a written comment on the Chair’s letter setting forth the departmental recommendation. If elected, at option of candidate, such written comment shall be transmitted either to the Chair or Dean for inclusion in personnel review file.

E. During Academic Senate or Administrative Review (APM 220-80-h)

  1. Any additional information for file requested by either of these agencies to be solicited through the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office.
  2. Inform candidate of substance - without identification of source of such additional material - and of opportunity to make written response for inclusion in file.






Revised 10/13/99


Web page updated 7/22/03