Synopsis of Academic Personnel Manual Section 145 (pdf)
I. Policy (APM 145-1)
It is the University’s policy to provide equitable and consistent treatment for academic appointees covered by this policy when layoffs or involuntary reductions in time are necessitated because of lack of work, lack of funds, or programmatic change.
II. Applicability (APM 145-2)
The provisions of this policy shall be applicable to all academic appointees of the University other than:
- members of the Academic Senate or equivalent ranks as established by The Regents and enumerated in APM–115; and
- those appointees in student titles. (For Layoff provisions applicable to Librarians and Non-Senate Instructional Appointees see applicable Memorandum of Understanding.)
Academic appointees with specified appointment periods are considered separated at the expiration of such appointments. This separation does not constitute a layoff.
III. Responsibility (APM 145-3)
A. UCLA Procedures
When a reduction in staff is necessary because of lack of work, lack of funds, or programmatic change, the employing unit is required to:
- determine who is to be laid off or subject to an involuntary reduction in time on the basis of the policies established under Order of Layoff or Involuntary Reduction in Time. See APM-145-3-c and 145-4.
- immediately advise the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office of the availability of the individual for reassignment.
- provide the appointee with written notice of layoff (with copies to the Dean and Chancellor) at least one month in advance of the effective date of layoff. When it is not possible to provide such advance notice, an explanation must be provided the Chancellor.
- inform individual to forward a self statement and current C.V. to the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office for circulation to all Dean’s Offices.
- rehire those laid off in accordance with the policies established under "Re-employment."
The Academic Affairs and Personnel Office will issue periodically to all Deans, Directors, Department Chairs, and other administrative officers a listing of individuals available for reassignment through pending layoff or through layoff during the preceding twelve-month period.
All employing units are urged to give special consideration to the employment of those listed by the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office.
B. Order of Layoff
The order of layoff, involuntary reduction in time, or recall must be reviewed by the Chancellor, comparable officer or designee for conformance to applicable University and campus policies before the layoff, involuntary reduction in time, or recall is implemented.
C. Designating Departments for Layoff
The Chancellor or comparable officer has the responsibility to designate departments or units of layoff for purposes of this policy.
IV. Order of Layoff or Involuntary Reduction in Time (APM 145-4)
- The order of layoff or involuntary reduction in time for appointees in the same department or unit and same title or title or title series (e.g., Professional Research Series, Supervisor of Teacher Education, etc.) shall be on the basis of special skills, knowledge, or ability essential to the department or unit. This determination is made by the department or unit head.
- When there is no substantial difference in the degree of special skills, knowledge, or ability essential to the department or unit, the order of layoff or involuntary reduction in time shall be in inverse order of seniority ... For appointees in the librarian series, see APM–360-20-e for order of layoff relevant to subsection 145-4-b.
- Seniority is defined as the number of months of full-time equivalent service with the University.
- An appointee who is subject to layoff or involuntary reduction in time may request that the Chancellor, comparable officer, or designee supply in writing a summary of the reasons for the order of layoff or involuntary reduction in time.
V. Notice of Layoff or Involuntary Reduction in Time (APM 145-5)
In the event of layoff or involuntary reduction in time, the department or unit head shall provide notification in writing to the appointee not less than thirty calendar days in advance of the effective date of the layoff or involuntary reduction in time, unless a different notice period is provided in the policy concerning the title or title series applicable to the appointment. Appropriate pay in lieu of notice may be given.
VI. Layoff Status (APM 145-6)
- Layoff status is limited to one year. Layoff status may be less than one year if:
- the appointment would have normally expired for those appointments with specified ending dates; or
- reappointment occurs within the campus to the same or equivalent position.
- For an appointment with a specified ending date, the changing of the ending date of an appointment by the University to an earlier date constitutes a layoff. Layoff status extends to the time the appointment would have ended.
- An appointee on layoff status may participate in employee benefit programs as allowed by the University’s Group Insurance Regulations. Eligibility to participate is limited to the period of layoff status. (See APM-14-6-a)
- Appointees who are laid off or whose time is involuntarily reduced shall be recalled into any vacant position for which the appointee is qualified and when the position is in the same department or unit and is in the same title or title series from which the appointee was laid off. If more than one qualified person is on layoff, the order of recall shall be in inverse order of layoff. Eligibility for recall is limited to the period of layoff status. (See APM-145-6-a)
- Preference for re-employment shall be granted to:
- appointees on layoff status;
- appointees whose time is involuntarily reduced; or
- appointees who have received written notice of layoff or involuntary reduction in time within the six months prior to the implementation of layoff or involuntary reduction in time.
Preference for re-employment is for qualified appointees at the same campus, in the same title or title series, and at the same or lower rank as the position held by the appointee at the time of lay-off or involuntary reduction in time.
Each campus shall provide for the maintenance of a current roster of persons on layoff and shall endeavor to arrange employment opportunities for such persons.
VII. Benefits Upon Re-employment (APM 145-7)
When a person on layoff status is re-employed, the periods before layoff and after re-employment shall be considered as continuous or uninterrupted service for the limited purpose of applying University policies concerning seniority, sick leave, vacation holidays, other leaves, reduced fees, and salary advancement by merit increases or promotion. However, benefits and credits for service, including those related to any retirement system, do not accrue during periods of layoff status.
VIII. Appeals (APM 145-8)
Layoff decisions may be appealed in accordance with policy and procedures set forth in APM–140 and Regents’ Standing Order 103.9.
Revised 10/13/99
Web page updated 7/22/03