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Appendix 40: Compensation for Additional Teaching During the Academic Year

Synopsis of Academic Personnel Manual Section 661, 662 and 663

Effective August 17, 2021

APM 662 limits compensation for additional teaching to ensure that faculty are not overburdened by teaching responsibilities and have sufficient time to carry out their research and service commitments. 

I. Eligibility

Subject to the limitations set forth in Section III, faculty who are appointed at 100% time during the academic year are eligible to receive additional compensation for teaching that is beyond their assigned teaching load, for the following types of programs:

1. Self-Supporting Degree Programs (SSDPs) and University Extension programs serving matriculated students;

2. University Extension and other UCLA-sponsored continuing education and certificate programs serving non-matriculated students.


II.  Restrictions

Teaching activities ineligible for additional compensation are:

1. Any course assigned by the Department Chair as part of the faculty member’s assigned teaching load in satisfaction of departmental teaching obligations, including:

   a. Any course that is part of the faculty member’s assigned teaching load and bought out by an SSDP;

   b. Extra teaching duties assigned in place of research and/or service, as the result of a Five-Year Review or otherwise;
   c. Courses taught in less common modes or locations (e.g., online, off-site).

2. Faculty who have used course buyouts to reduce their teaching loads are not eligible to receive compensation for additional teaching.

3. Faculty who have reduced teaching loads due to sabbaticals/and or leaves are not eligible to receive compensation for additional teaching.

4. Extra courses taken on voluntarily by a faculty member.


III. Limitations: APM 025 and 671 Limits on Time and Compensation

1. Time spent on additional teaching during the academic year or when otherwise receiving University compensation or University summer compensation will be deducted from the days available for Outside Professional Activities provided in APM 025 or APM 671.

2. In calculating time under APM 025 and 671, the following applies, regardless of time actually spent:

   a. For traditional or hybrid in-person instructional formats, such as lectures and discussions, every six contact or “podium” hours with students equal one day.

   b. For fully online courses, hours will normally be assigned on the assumption that online courses require workloads equivalent to the same or similar in-person course formats.

   c. The Vice Chancellor of Academic Personnel may designate types of teaching, such as field supervision, practicums, and some types of online courses, as requiring lower levels of instructor engagement.

3. Additional teaching hours count toward the day limits applicable during the term the teaching occurs. For example, teaching done during the academic year is counted toward the limits that apply during that academic year and may not be paid as summer-ninths. For additional information about the computation of time attributable to additional teaching, see APM 662-17-b.

4. Exceptions may not be made to time limits for faculty during any period in which they receive part or all of their salary directly charged to contracts and grants.

5. Faculty participating in a Health Sciences Compensation Plan are also subject to the Plan and local campus implementing procedures regarding this additional compensation.


IV.  Approval Authority

1. A Department Chair may approve compensation for up to one additional course for an academic year, provided the faculty member is teaching the standard departmental teaching load.  A copy of this approval must be filed with the Dean’s Office. 

2. Only the Vice Chancellor of Academic Personnel can approve compensation for additional teaching for a faculty member who receives course releases for other university duties, such as administrative responsibilities as a Department Chair, provided they met their otherwise assigned course teaching load (consistent with APM-662-24-b).  

3. Only the Vice Chancellor of Academic Personnel can approve compensation for additional teaching for a faculty member who seeks to teach more than one additional course in an academic year (even if the time limits in Section III are not exceeded).

4. When multiple schools or programs request faculty for such additional teaching, the Chair of the department with the primary appointment has authority over approval of the additional teaching under Section 1 above, and must inform all other departments in which the faculty member holds an appointment greater than 0%.

The Dean must submit to APO a request, on the Additional Compensation for Additional Teaching form.  Such approvals normally will be granted only upon a showing that there is a temporary academic need which cannot be satisfied by hiring part-time, temporary teachers or by reducing the faculty member’s normal teaching load in the future.  Approval must be obtained prior to the start date of instruction.


Effective August 17, 2021

Web page updated 8/17/21