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Appendix 38: Research Professor

Effective April 6, 2012

I. Eligibility

Professors Emeriti from UCLA who have continued a high level of research scholarship since their retirement may be eligible to utilize the title Research Professor as a working title. Appointees to Research Professor status must be able to demonstrate that their research activities since retirement have led to one or more of the following outcomes:

  • an active external grant, a proposal to obtain external grant funding, or a recent history of external grant funding
  • internal research funds
  • publication of scholarly books, monographs, or journal articles
  • scholarly presentations at professional meetings


II. Terms of Service

Appointments as Research Professor shall be made for three years, or in cases where a Research Professor is Principal Investigator of an active grant, for three years or the duration of the grant, whichever is longer.

III. Procedures

Appointment authority is delegated to academic deans and may not be further delegated. Requests for appointment as Research Professor are normally initiated through the department chair or ORU Director by submission of a letter by the applicant that documents his or her continuation of a high level of research scholarship since retirement. In accordance with department or ORU procedures, the chair or director should consult appropriately with the faculty. If the unit concurs, the chair or director shall recommend the appointment to the appropriate dean. The dean will notify the applicant of the decision in writing with a copy to the recommending unit.

A Professor Emerita/us who held the title of Distinguished Professor and has been approved to be a Research Professor may utilize the title Distinguished Research Professor.


 Renewal of an appointment is possible, but not automatic. The procedures for re­appointment are the same as described above in this section.