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Employment Misconduct Disclosure Questionnaire

All applicants

The UC is committed to maintaining, building, and supporting an inclusive, healthy, and safe working environment. To that end, it has pre-employment processes that gather information about previous conduct that may impact the workplace. It is important for applicants to understand that UC treats all information submitted confidentially, only sharing it on a need-to-know basis. UC also commits to carefully and thoughtfully reviewing submissions to determine whether they impact an applicant’s ability to perform the underlying duties associated with the posted position.  If you are unsure what a question means, please refer to Misconduct Disclosure Requirements FAQs or reach out to UC wants to make sure that you understand the questions before you honestly and completely submit your answers.


For purposes of this questionnaire, the following definitions apply:

Misconduct is defined as:

  • Any violation of the policies or laws governing conduct at a candidate’s previous place of employment, including, but not limited to, violations of policies or laws prohibiting sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other forms of harassment, discrimination, dishonesty, or unethical conduct as defined by the previous employer. 


Decisions include: 

  • Final Administrative Decisions: A written determination by a previous employer as to whether a candidate committed Misconduct. Examples of a final administration decision include but are not limited to a determination by a decisionmaker (employer or state or federal agency) following a final investigative report and the subsequent hearing, or the imposition of employment discipline or corrective action related to the candidate’s Misconduct; OR
  • Final Judicial Decisions: A final determination of a matter submitted to a court regarding the candidate’s Misconduct that is recorded in a judgment or order of that court.


Appeal is defined as:

  • A request for a review of a Decision, as defined above. This could be through any previous employer’s applicable appeal process or an appeal of a Judicial Decision through the applicable appeals process. Examples include filing a grievance, using an appeal process defined by policy, or filing an appeal with the appropriate judicial body or agency.

Candidate Information

Candidate Information


Has a Decision(s) been issued within the last seven years from the date of submission of your application determining that you committed Misconduct?

1. Has a Decision(s) been issued within the last seven years from the date of submission of your application determining that you committed Misconduct?
Did the Decision(s) result in discipline or did it include a recommendation for the imposition of Discipline?
Did the Misconduct involve an abuse of power and authority, such as involvement of subordinate employees, students, or minors?
Was your employment terminated due to the misconduct?
Did the employer require other follow-up action such as counseling, training, and/or implement a performance improvement plan related to your behavior?

Have you filed an Appeal of a Decision referenced above?

4. Have you filed an Appeal of a Decision referenced in Question 1?

By clicking the submit button, I am affirming that I have honestly, accurately, and fully answered the questions on this form to the best of my knowledge. I understand that honestly and accurately completing my UC application materials, including the responses on this form, is a condition of employment with UC and that failure to do so may result in serious employment action, up to and including termination.