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Unit 18 Faculty Professional Development Fund



The UC-AFT Council on Professional Development is thrilled to introduce a spring call for Professional Development Fund (PDF) proposals. We are now welcoming proposals for activities that will take place between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025. Our goal is for Unit 18 faculty to be able to make professional development plans with advance knowledge that their funding is secure.

There will also be a second call for 2024-2025 PDF proposals during Fall 2024. Going forward, we anticipate there will normally be two funding cycles for each fiscal year: one in the spring before the fiscal year starts on July 1st, and one in the fall in the middle of the fiscal year. 

UC-AFT Professional Development Funds are available to Unit 18 faculty as a result of the hard work of union faculty in the University Council – American Federation of Teachers (UC-AFT Local 1474). We first won professional development funds in our 2003 union contract and have successfully increased the funding pool in each subsequent round of negotiations. The PDF pool offers grants to support scholarly and pedagogical endeavors, including creative and research activities, that contribute to our effectiveness as teachers and mentors.

For the 2024-2025 fiscal and academic years, there will be at least $144,250 in PDF awards available for Unit 18 faculty at UCLA. We anticipate allocating no more than half of that amount during the spring funding cycle.

In other words, a maximum of $72,135 is currently available during the Spring 2024 funding cycle. The remaining balance of the PDF pool will be awarded in the Fall 2024 funding cycle.

Proposals that are not funded during the Spring 2024 funding cycle may be resubmitted with or without revisions during the Fall 2024 funding cycle.

The UC-AFT Council on Professional Development, a committee of volunteer Unit 18 faculty members from diverse academic fields, reviews applications for these funds and recommends awards to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Personnel for final approval. This year’s committee includes:

            Leryn Gorlitsky – Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
            Mia McIver – Writing Programs
            Tyson Roberts – Political Science
            Camilla Taylor – Studio Art
            Jeff Share – Education


All faculty represented by UC-AFT are eligible to request funding, regardless of the type or length of your appointment. This includes pre-continuing lecturers, continuing lecturers, demonstration teachers, K-12 instructors, field work coordinators, and supervisors of teacher education.

You may apply now to support activities that will take place between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.

You may apply during this Spring 2024 funding cycle if you have or anticipate being on active service (i.e., teaching at UCLA) at any point during Summer 2024, Fall 2024, Winter 2025, or Spring 2025. To receive an award you receive during the Spring 2024 funding cycle, you must have an active appointment at some point between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.


The committee will assess proposals using the following criteria:

  1. professional relevance (i.e., how closely is the proposal connected to your work as a Unit 18 faculty member?)
  2. scholarly/creative/pedagogical value (i.e., how will the proposed activities enhance and improve your academic career?)
  3. feasibility (i.e., how likely is the project to be completed successfully?).

Your proposal should clearly address these three areas.

Although the UC-AFT Council on Professional Development welcomes applications from past recipients of PDF grants, we may give preference to applicants who have not received a PDF grant within the past two years.

Successful candidates who receive funding are required at the end of the academic year to submit a brief (500-word) follow-up letter summarizing what the funding enabled them to accomplish. For 2024-2025 funding, follow-up letters should be sent by email to by July 2025.


PDF grants are primarily intended to advance your career as a Unit 18 faculty member and support you in becoming more established within our university community. We define “professional development” as activities that enable Unit 18 faculty to do their job better. The PDF pool is not intended to support projects aimed primarily at supporting students. Funds may be used for:

           Travel expenses and registration fees
           Conferences and conventions
           Workshops Trainings
           Other professional events

Research expenses

            Visits to libraries, museums, or archives
            Specialized or technical equipment*
            Editing or other consulting services^
            Graduate Student Researcher support
            Course release/paid leave (for Continuing Appointees only)  

Creative endeavors

            Studio time and assistance^
            Audio/visual equipment*
            Services necessary for practicing artists, dancers, designers, musicians, and others in the fine and performing arts^

Materials for course and curriculum development
            Instructional technology*
            Support for creating or revising courses to be more current, to incorporate research-based best practices for teaching and learning, or
            to more enriching for students.

Other expenses related to a special project

            Event planning^
            Field work or other travel to specific locations
            Supplies, materials, or services to support the special project
            Interdisciplinary or cross-campus collaborations

The list above is not exhaustive. The UC-AFT Council on Professional Development welcomes all proposals that have demonstrable value to your scholarly, creative, and pedagogical work, even if they don’t exactly fit into the categories above.

The UC-AFT Council on Professional Development will seek to fund as many professionally relevant, valuable, and feasible proposals as possible. Because the funding pool is limited, more small grants than large grants may be awarded. Proposals may be fully or partially funded. If your project requires more than $3,000, we encourage you to seek additional funding from other sources if possible. Please indicate those efforts in your proposal when applicable.

In previous years, the Council has been able to fund a majority of the proposals received, so we highly recommend that you apply. There is a good chance that your project will be at least partially funded.

All uses of UC-AFT professional development grants must be consistent with UCLA’s purchasing and reimbursement policies. Some PDF uses may require purchase orders and/or requisitions, so be sure to allow enough time for those processes if necessary.

*Items purchased with professional development funds will remain the property of UCLA.

^If you are proposing a project that involves payments to third-party vendors, we recommend securing a PDF grant in advance so that the vendor can be paid via UCLA’s PaymentWorks platform and there is no out-of-pocket cost to you personally.


Applicants should submit their proposal to

APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR 2024-2025 Spring Call: Friday, May 17th, 2024

Please attach the following:

            Application form (PDF format) (Word format)
            Itemized Budget/Timeline

Proposal: Submit a brief summary of the project followed by a detailed description of the proposed activities (2 pages maximum). Explain how and why such activities contribute to your professional development. Please discuss the professional relevance (i.e., how closely is the proposal connected to your work as a Unit 18 faculty member?), scholarly/creative/pedagogical value (i.e., how will the proposed activities enhance and improve your academic career?), and feasibility (i.e., how likely is the project to be completed successfully?) of your request.

Detailed budget and timeline: Please provide a specific breakdown of the costs for your proposal and the calendar for completing it. Be as specific as you are able. Include a list of other sources of support (if any) that will be combined to comprise the funding required.


2024-2025 Awards

Spring Call for Proposals

  1. Call for Applications: April 15th, 2024
  2. Deadline to submit applications: Friday, May 17th, 2024
  3. Awards are announced mid-June, 2024.

Fall Call for Proposals

  1. Call for Applications: mid-fall quarter, 2024
  2. Deadline to submit applications: end of fall quarter, 2024
  3. Awards are announced mid-January


If you have questions, please contact the chair of the UC-AFT Council on Professional Development by emailing Leryn Gorlitsky at



Webpage updated: 5/20/2024