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UCLA Getty Program

College of Letters and Science


Non-Senate Faculty (NSF; Lecturers; Unit 18) Workload
full academic year (AY) = 3 quarters full course load = 9 courses per year = 100%

Employed for the Full Academic Year (9/12): X number of courses = X/9 * 100% for the year
9 courses (IWC) per year = 100 % (maximum) for the year (9 IWC = 100%)
8 courses (IWC) per year = 89 % (88.8%) for the year (8 IWC = 88.8% )
7 courses (IWC) per year = 78 % (77.7%) for the year (7 IWC = 77.7%)
6 courses (IWC) per year = 67 % (66.6%) for the year (6 IWC = 66.6%)
5 courses (IWC) per year = 56 % (55.5%) for the year (5 IWC = 55.5%)
4 courses (IWC) per year = 44 % for the year (4 IWC = 44%)
3 courses (IWC) per year = 33 % for the year (3 IWC = 33%)

Employed for Two Quarters (9/9): X courses total for 2 quarters = X/9 * 3/2 * 100% for the six months
6 courses (IWC) over two quarters = 100 % (99.9%) maximum per quarter (6 IWC = 100% maximum per quarter)
5 courses (IWC) over two quarters = 83 % per quarter (5 IWC = 83% per quarter)
4 courses (IWC) over two quarters = 67 % (66.6%) per quarter (4 IWC = 67% per quarter)
3 courses (IWC) over two quarters = 50 % (49.9%) per quarter (3 IWC = 50% per quarter)
2 courses (IWC) over two quarters = 33 % per quarter (2 IWC = 33% per quarter)

Employed for One Quarter (9/9): X courses total for 1 quarter = X/9 * 3 * 100% for three months
3 courses (IWC) in a given quarter = 100% (99.9%) maximum for that quarter (3 IWC = 100% maximum per quarter)

2 courses (IWC) over one quarter = 67 % (66.6%) for the quarter (2 IWC = 67% per quarter) 1 course (IWC) over one quarter = 33 % for the quarter (1 IWC = 33% per quarter)


A ‘regular’ conservation 5-hour, 4-Unit course (LEC & LAB) in a given quarter = 1 course

A ‘regular’ conservation course with enrollments over 20 requiring especially large number of hours for preparation, supervision and for grading quizzes, homework and assignments = 1.5 course

A 3-hour 4-Unit course (SEM) in a given quarter = 1 course

3 hours of supervised work (laboratory instruction; mentoring of graduate students) = 0.5 course

3 hours participation in course planning and assignments, advising, course development, course revisions, teaching coordination and other duties = 0.5 course


Non Senate Instructors, Unit 18, Workload Policy

February 2013

Updated: 5/13/2022