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Department of Music
Unit 18 Workload Statement 
Effective Fall 2017



Instructional Activities                                                         IWC Per Course

A.  Studio Lecturers (Music Performance)

(5% per student; 1 hour of studio; 1 hour of

instructional-related activities)          

1 student = 5%                                                                        0.116

10 students = 50%                                                                   1.16

20 students = 100%                                                                 2.325


Group studio lab taught by Studio Lecturer

(no separate course listing)

5% per group at one hour per week per quarter      


B.  Vocal Coach Lecturers (part of Voice

Studio class:  Music 65, 165, 465)


Vocal Lab Individual Coaching (1 hour

per week; no separate course listing)

2.5% per student

10 students = 25%                                                                   0.58


Opera Coach Lecturers (part of Opera

Workshop:  90D & 470;

no separate course listing)   

2.5% for 1 hour per week                                                       0.058

5% for 2 hours per week                                                         0.116


C.  Ensemble/Chamber Classes      

7 standard courses (4-5 units each course)

= 100% for the academic year                                                9.0 per AY                                         

Per quarter:

6-unit course = 64.5%                                                             1.5

4-5-unit course = 43%                                                             1.0

3-unit course = 32.25%                                                           0.75

2-unit course = 21.5%                                                             0.5

1-unit course = 10.75%                                                           0.25


D. Classroom Lecturers       

7 standard courses (4-5 units each course)

= 100% for the academic year                                                9.0 AY                       

Per quarter:

6-unit course = 64.5%                                                             1.5

4-5-unit course = 43%                                                             1.0

3-unit course = 32.25%                                                           0.75

2-unit course = 21.5%                                                             0.5

1-unit course = 10.75%                                                           0.25


E.  Field Work Lecturer for Music

Education Music 330A-C (Supervising

student teachers)

330A Per quarter = 12% per student                                      0.28

330B/C Per quarter = 10% per student                                  0.23


F.  Additional Administrative Duties         

Additional administrative duties assigned by the Chair may not exceed 21.5% in any one quarter; duties specified in appointment letter.