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Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series

  1. Definition of the Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series
  2. Characteristics of Series
    1. Ranks and Steps
    2. Term of Service
    3. Service Requirement
    4. Tenure
    5. Limit on Service
    6. Funding
    7. Senate Membership
  3. Compensation
    1. General
    2. Off-Scale Salary Limitations
    3. Above-Scale Salary Limitations
  4. Employment
    1. Recruitment
    2. Criteria
    3. Categories of Personnel Actions
    4. Effective Dates of Personnel Actions
    5. Senate Review
    6. Approval Authority
    7. General Restrictions
  5. Advancement: Merits & Promotions
    1. Merit Increase
    2. Promotion
    3. Resubmission
  6. Fourth-Year Appraisal of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor
    1. Classifications
    2. Timing
    3. No Appraisal
    4. Senate Review
    5. Approval Authority
  7. Eight-Year Limit Review of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor
    1. Exclusions
    2. Senate Review
    3. Approval Authority
  8. Non-Renewal/Non-Reappointment of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor as a result of a Personnel Review
    1. Senate Reviews
    2. Approval Authority
  9. Preliminary Assessment of Non-Renewal/Non-Reappointment of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor
    1. Formal Procedures
    2. Terminal Appointment
  10. Reconsideration of Terminal Appointment of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor
  11. Non-Renewal of a Term Appointment for Budgetary Reasons, Programmatic Changes, or Lack of Work
    1. Appointments with Ending Dates
    2. Appointments without Ending Dates
    3. Request for Written Evaluation
  12. Termination of an Appointment
  13. Five-Year Review for Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor and Health Sciences Clinical Professor

I. Definition of the Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series

Appointments in this series are made in the cases of academically qualified candidates whose predominant responsibilities are in clinical teaching and patient care, and who hold compensated positions in the School of Medicine, School of Dentistry or an affiliated or associated hospital or other healthcare facility. For appointment and advancement in this series, an evaluation is made of the candidate's teaching, clinical, and creative or scholarly achievements and service contributions, including service to the University, to professional societies, and to the public. The primary emphasis for some candidates will be on teaching, clinical activities and professional competence, and for other candidates will be on teaching and on scholarly activities as an independent or collaborative investigator. It is expected however, that all Health Sciences Clinical Professor appointees will engage in scholarly or creative activities, which derive from and support their primary responsibilities in clinical teaching and professional and service activities. For the initial appointment, the Dean or Department Chair’s recommendation letter placed in the dossier shall document the balance of teaching, professional activity, scholarly or creative activity, and service that will be expected of the candidate.


All appointments and reappointments of individuals with clinical teaching and patient-care responsibilities which before September 1, 1986, would have been made in the Adjunct Professor Series were, on and after September 1, 1986, made in the Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series. Individuals with such responsibilities who on August 31, 1986, held appointments in the Adjunct Professor Series, at their option were transferred to the Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series at the time of their next personnel actions. Individuals who remained in the Adjunct Professor Series after September 1, 1986, continue to have the option to change to the Health Sciences Clinical Professor series upon request.

The policies and procedures which follow apply also to the before-mentioned appointments in the Adjunct Professor Series of individuals who have clinical teaching and patient-care responsibilities.

II. Characteristics of Series

A. Ranks and Steps



Health Sciences Clinical Instructor None
Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor

I – IV

Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor


Health Sciences Clinical Professor

I – IX and Above-Scale

B. Term of Service

All appointments and, reappointments and at any rank (hereinafter referred to collectively as an appointment) must have a specified ending date. The maximum term of an appointment is:


Maximum Term of Initial Appointment and

Health Sciences Clinical Instructor 1 year
Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor

1 year

Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor

1 year

Health Sciences Clinical Professor

1 year

When extending an offer to individuals in this series, it is necessary for the Dean or Chair to include the following statement in any correspondence regarding their offer of an appointment or reappointment:

"This appointment in the Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series is for a one year only term, and is subject to reappointment based on performance and the availability of funds to support your salary."

C. Service Requirement

An appointee in this series must hold either a full-time or part-time compensated appointment in the University or be employed either full-time or part-time at an affiliated or associated hospital or other healthcare facility. If the University compensated appointment is greater than 50% time, the appointee must be a member of the University’s Health Science Compensation Plan.


Without salary (WOS) appointments may be made when the appointee serves at an affiliated or associated hospital or other healthcare facility. 

D. Tenure

Tenure or Security of Employment is not granted in association with appointment to this series regardless of percentage of state funding.

E. Limit on Service


Limit on Service

Health Sciences Clinical Instructor 2 years
Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor *

8 years

Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor


Health Sciences Clinical Professor



Normal periods of service at each step in this series coincide with those of the Professor series as described in APM-220-18-b: two years at each step for both Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor and Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor; three years at each step for Health Sciences Clinical Professor I-IV; service at Step V or higher may be of indefinite duration. 

* A Health Sciences Clinical Assistant Professor who has completed eight years of service in that title, or in that title in combination with other titles identified in CALL Appendix 14, Section II, shall not be continued after the eighth year unless promoted to Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor or Health Sciences Clinical Professor. In computing time for the Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor title, only those quarters or semesters at 51% or more time will count in the computation of Years of Service CALL Appendix 14, Section VIII.

The Chancellor may grant an exception to the two-year limit for a Health Sciences Clinical Instructor and to the eight-year limit for a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor holding a without salary appointment at an affiliated institution at more than 50 percent time.

F. Funding

No State funds shall be used for any salary above the Fiscal year Salary Scale (Scale 0) for Health Sciences Compensation Plan participants. Any compensation above the fiscal year Salary Scale (Scale 0) for rank and step shall be funded using Health Sciences Compensation Plan funds and/or other non-State funds in compliance with any relevant fund source restrictions as outlined in APM-670-19 opens a new window, Health Sciences Compensation Plan.

It is the responsibility of each Department Chair (in cooperation with any employing Principal Investigator or Director) to assure that each appointee to this series is at all times aware of the financial longevity of the source(s) of support for the appointment.

Note:Departmental provisions for Teaching Assistants, Professional Research—, Postgraduate Research—, and Research Assistants may not be used to support appointments to this series.

G. ACADEMIC Senate Membership

Appointment to this series does not confer membership in the Academic Senate.



Appointment to this series does not confer the right to a Merit Equity Review



Appointment to this series does not confer eligibility for sabbatical leave.



An appointee in the Health Sciences Clinical Professor series may change to another academic or professional series following academic review. A competitive search may or may not be required. In exceptional circumstances the Chancellor may grant a waiver of the search requirement.


III. Compensation

A. General

An appointee who holds a salaried University appointment in this series, and is a member of the Health Sciences Compensation Plan, is compensated on the salary scales established for the Health Sciences. An appointee who holds a salaried University appointment in this series, but who is not a member of the Health Sciences Compensation Plan, is compensated on the Fiscal year Salary Scale. Generally, Off-Scale salaries are not awarded to members of the Health Sciences Compensation Plan (see APM-670-18-a.). However, compensation at an Off-Scale salary rate may be approved by the Chancellor or, upon specific delegation, by the Dean.

B. Off-Scale Salary Limitations

Deans not serving as Department Chair have Off-Scale approval authority up to and including the next step. All Off-Scale rates must be in multiples of $100. For all other Off-Scale salary up to the Regental threshold the Chancellor is the final approval authority. Salaries exceeding this threshold require Regental approval (refer to annually published UC Salary Scales for Regental thresholds). See Appendix 17 for "Summary of UCLA Policy on Off-Scale Salaries."

C. Above-Scale Salary Limitations

The Chancellor has the authority to approve Above-Scale salaries up to the Regental threshold (refer to annually published UC Salary Scales for Regental thresholds). Approval of salaries beyond this approval authority requires Regental action.

IV. Employment

A. Recruitment

See Appendix 22, "Summary of Recruitment Policy" and Appendix 23, "Faculty Search Guidelines" regarding search requirements and required documentation.

B. Criteria

Criteria for assessment of individual qualification are set forth in Appendix 8, "Instructions to Review and Appraisal Committees for the Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series” except that in applying these criteria to candidates at the rank of Assistant Professor, due consideration must be given not only to the candidate’s performance but also to the candidate’s promise for future success. 

C. Categories of Personnel Actions

Employment encompasses the following types of personnel actions:

  1. Appointment
    For initial employment in the series or permanent intercampus transfer, review and submission of a dossier are required for appointment.
  2. Re-employment
    For appointment in the same series after a separation, review and submission of dossier are required
  3. Reappointment
    For reappointment immediately following the ending date of an appointment in this series, review and submission of dossier are not required, provided there is no change in rank or step.
  4. Change in Series
    For transfer to another academic series, submission of a dossier and academic review are required. For dossier content and search requirements, see Appendix 26, "Change in Series Actions."
  5. Change of Department
    For transfer from one department to another, review and submission of dossier are required.
  6. Split Appointment
    For salaried appointments where the faculty position is divided between two or more departments, review and submission of a dossier are required. Also see Appendix 15 for policies governing Interdepartmental Degree Programs and Centers for Interdisciplinary Instruction.
  7. Joint Appointment
    For appointment to an additional department on a without salary basis where the faculty position remains based in the home department, review and submission of dossier are required. See Appendix 15, "Joint and Split Appointments" for instructions regarding secondary department participation in subsequent reviews.
  8. Temporary Appointments
    Appointments made on a year-to-year basis to academic administrative positions or to temporary research positions require no dossier.
  9. Informal Extra-Departmental Affiliations
    An informal relationship (not a Joint or Split Appointment) with an Organized Research Unit, research center, or interdepartmental teaching program, within the University, for the purpose of advising or conducting research, requires an evaluation of the appointee's contribution to that program to be submitted in all actions requiring a dossier, unless the appointee objects, as is the appointee;s privilege. Also see Appendix 37 for Interdisciplinary Activity.

D. Effective Dates of Personnel Actions

The effective date of an appointment is the first day on which payment begins. The effective date for Fiscal-Year appointees will always coincide with the first day of service.

E. Senate Review

1. Appointment, Re-employment after Separation and Change in Series



Health Sciences Clinical Instructor Senate Review waived

Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor 

Senate Review waived

Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor 

CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate)

Health Sciences Clinical Professor 

CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate)

2. Reappointment



All Ranks and Steps

Senate Review waived


3. Change of Department and Split Appointment



Health Sciences Clinical Instructor Senate Review waived

Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor

Senate Review waived

Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor 

CAP only

Health Sciences Clinical Professor 

CAP only

4. Joint Appointment (Without Salary [WOS] Appointments)



All Ranks and Steps

Senate Review waived

F. Approval Authority

Authority to approve or deny recommendations rests at the indicated administrative levels.

For Fiscal Year appointees, employment actions approved by the Dean more than 6 months after the effective date of the appointment requires Chancellor's approval for the retroactivity.

1. Appointment, Re-employment and Change in Series




All Ranks and Steps Chancellor



Rank Authority
Health Sciences Clinical Instructor Dean
Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor Dean
Health Sciences Associate Professor Chancellor
Health Sciences Clinical Professor Chancellor


2. Reappointment

Dentistry and Medicine 



All Ranks and Steps*


* provided there is no change in rank and step

3. Change of Department and Split Appointment




All Ranks & Steps





Health Sciences Clinical Instructor Dean

Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor 


Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor


Health Sciences Clinical Professor


4. Joint Appointment (WOS Appointments)




All Ranks & Steps





Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor


Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor


Health Sciences Clinical Professor


G. General Restrictions

The following restrictions govern all employment:

  1. any action involving employment of near relatives (see Appendix 21, "Employment of Near Relatives"), requires approval of the Chancellor;
  2. compliance with recruitment and search requirements; and
  3. any exception to policy governing the series requires advance approval of the Chancellor.

V. Advancement: Merits Increases and Promotions

Advancement encompasses merit increases (merit-based increases in step within ranks), merit increases to Above-Scale and further Above-Scale and promotions. Advancements become effective July 1st. See APM 200-17a opens a new window(pdf) for the policy regarding the payment of salary increases associated with merit increases and promotions.

Eligibility does not imply automatic advancement. Departments are required to review the record of each candidate when the candidate becomes eligible for a normal ("on-time") merit increase or promotion to determine whether or not advancement should be recommended. Advancement follows only upon demonstration of qualification upon review.

A dossier must be submitted whether or not Senate Review is waived. See the Summary of Procedures section for detailed procedural requirements associated with each category of advancement.

The responsibilities of the Recommending Officers are set forth in Appendix 1, "Guidelines for Department Chairs and other Recommending Officers" and Appendix 2, "Synopsis of Academic Personnel Manual Section 220." For an individual with a Joint or Split Appointment, see Appendix 15.

When a candidate has an informal extra-departmental affiliation, the primary department shall obtain from the head of the other unit, an evaluation of the candidate's contribution to that program, unless the appointee objects, as is the appointee's privilege. The evaluation shall include the candidate's scholarly work, the names of faculty members who might serve as members of a campus ad hoc review committee, and the names of persons at other institutions from whom evaluations of the individual's scholarly work might be solicited by the department. Any such material shall be included in the resulting dossier. In the absence of initiative by, theprimary department, the head of the other unit may act freely in proposing that the primary department consider an appropriate personnel action, and may submit to the primary department any of the material described above.

Note: If service began on or before January 1 for a Fiscal Year appointee, the full fiscal year, beginning July 1 is credited toward eligibility.

A. Merit Increase

A merit increase (merit-based increase in step within rank) is an advancement in salary step or to an above-scale salary rate without a change in rank (see APM-610, Salary Increases). For advancement in step not involving a change in rank, review and submission of a dossier are required for a merit increase, and normally occur during the year prior to advancement. Review for merit increases through Professor V and to Professor VII, VIII and IX requires evaluation of performance during the full period of service in the current step. Review for merit increases to Professor VI and Professor, Above-Scale requires evaluation of performance during the individual's entire academic career.

1. Normal Merit Increase

All personnel completing the requisite number of years of service in the indicated steps of this series are eligible for a normal merit increase to the next higher step effective July 1st:

Current Status

Normal Merit Increase after requisite years at step

Health Sciences Clinical Instructor N/A

Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor I - IV


Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor I - III


Health Sciences Clinical Professor I - IV


2. Accelerated Merit Increase

Advancement in step in advance of eligibility or to a higher step than normal before the date of eligibility constitutes acceleration and requires evidence of exceptional achievement.

3. Deferred Merit Increase

Merit increases that are deferred by one or more years are not subject to Senate Review unless requested by the candidate.

4. Merit Increase to Professor VI, VII, VIII, IX and Above-Scale

Eligibility based on years of service does not apply to a merit increase at Step V and above. Service at Step V and above may be of indefinite duration.

  1. Advancement to Step VI is based not only upon performance since the prior advancement but also upon performance during the individual's entire academic career. Advancement to Step VI will be granted on evidence of great distinction and continuous excellence in professional activity and teaching at the University, recognized at least regionally, as well as excellent creative or scholarly contributions and service. Advancement to Step VI normally will not occur after less than three years at Step V.
  2. Advancement to Steps VII, VIII and IX will be granted on evidence of sustained achievement at the level required for advancement to Step VI. Advancement normally will not occur after less than three years at the current step.
  3. Advancement to an Above-Scale salary rank involves a review of the candidate's entire academic career. This rank is reserved only for the faculty scholars and teachers who have achieved the highest distinction, (1) whose creative or scholarly activity  have exhibited continuing excellence and have attained at least national recognition and broad acclaim reflective of its significant impact, (2) whose professional activity and University teaching performance are excellent and, (3) whose service is highly meritorious. Except in rare and compelling cases, advancement will not occur after less than four years of service at Step IX. Moreover, mere length of service and continued routine good performance at Step IX is not  justification for further salary advancement to the Above Scale step. There must be demonstration of additional merit and distinction beyond the performance on which advancement to Step IX was based. A merit increase in salary for a faculty member already serving at Above-Scale must be justified by continuing evidence of  accomplishment consistent with this level. Intervals between such merit increases may be indefinite, and only in the most superior cases, where there is strong and compelling evidence, will merit increases to Further Above-Scale at intervals shorter than four years be approved. Faculty who have attained the rank of Above-Scale may use the title "Distinguished Health Sciences Clinical Professor of X" as a working title.

5. Senate Review


Merit Type


Health Sciences Clinical Instructor N/A N/A

Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor I - IV

Normal or one year of Acceleration

Senate Review waived

Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor I - IV Two or more years
of Acceleration
CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate)
Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor I - III

Normal or one year
of Acceleration

Senate Review waived

Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor I - III

Two or more years
of Acceleration

CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate)

Health Sciences Clinical Professor I - V, VII, VIII and IX Normal, one or two years of Acceleration

Senate Review waived*

Health Sciences Clinical Professor I - V, VII, VIII and IX

Three or more years
of Acceleration

CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate)

Health Sciences Clinical Professor VI and Above-Scale


CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate)

Further Above Scale Normal Senate Review waived

Further Above-Scale

One or more years of acceleration

CAP only

*Senate Review is waived except in cases where two (2) consecutive, two-year accelerations have been sought.

6. Approval Authority

Authority to approve or deny recommendations rests at the indicated administrative levels except that:

  1. any merit increase involving compensation at an Off-Scale rate requires Chancellor's approval for the Off-Scale rate (unless authority has been generally delegated to the Dean); and
  2. any merit increase for a Fiscal Year appointee approved by the Dean after September 1st, requires Chancellor's approval for the retroactivity.
  3. any merit increase of two years acceleration at the rank of Full Professor in the Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series (except an acceleration to Health Sciences Clinical Professor Step VI) has the final approval authority of the Dean, except that in cases where two (2) consecutive, two-year accelerations have been sought; the Chancellor has final approval authority.



Rank Merit type authority
All Ranks and Steps All Chancellor



Merit Type


Health Sciences Clinical Instructor N/A N/A

Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor I - IV

Normal or one year of Acceleration


Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor I - IV

Two or more years
of Acceleration


Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor I - III

Normal or one year of Acceleration


Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor I - III

Two or more years of Acceleration


Health Sciences Clinical Professor I - V, VII, VIII and IX

Normal, one or two years
of Acceleration


Health Sciences Clinical Professor I - V, VII, VIII and IX

Three or more years
of Acceleration


Health Sciences Clinical Professor VI, Above-Scale and Further Above-Scale



*Senate Review is waived except in cases where two (2) consecutive, two-year accelerations have been sought.

B. Promotion

A promotion in advancement within this series from the rank of Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and from the rank of Associate Professor to Professor. For advancement in rank within series, review and submission of dossier are required for Promotion and normally occur during the year prior to advancement. Review for Promotion to the Professor rank involves evaluation of performance since appointment, with emphasis on the period of service at the current rank of Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor.

1. Normal Promotion

All personnel completing the requisite number of years of service in the indicated steps of this or other Professorial series are eligible for normal promotion to the indicated rank and step effective July 1st. See APM 200-17a opens a new window (pdf) for the policy regarding the payment of salary increases associated with merits and promotions.

Eligibility does not imply automatic advancement. Advancement follows only upon demonstration of qualification following review:

Current Status

Years at Step

Normal Promotion

Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor IV


Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor I

Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor


Health Sciences Clinical Professor I

2. Accelerated Promotion

Promotion in advance of eligibility or to a higher rank or step than normal constitutes acceleration and requires evidence of unusual achievement.

3. Senate Review



Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor and Health Sciences Clinical Professor

CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate)

4. Approval Authority



Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor and Above-Scale


C. Resubmission

Resubmission of a departmental recommendation in a case in which there was a final negative decision for advancement or promotion of an Associate or Full Health Sciences Clinical Professor may be made, after appropriate departmental review of the resubmitted file, in any year succeeding the year in which the original submission was made. Except in unusual cases, a final academic personnel decision will not be reconsidered in the same year the case was originally submitted, and a resubmitted proposal will not be approved unless sufficient new and substantive evidence has been added to the file.

VI. Fourth-Year Appraisal of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor

Fourth-Year appraisal is a formal evaluation the performance of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor four years post-appointment, which is made in order to determine the prospects of the candidate for eventual promotion and to provide information to the candidate regarding those prospects. A statement from the Dean accompanies each Appraisal.

A. Classifications

Appraisals are characterized as:

  1. "Favorable" - indicating an assessment that it appears likely that the candidate will eventually qualify for promotion to Associate Health Sciences Clinical Professor.
  2. "With Reservations" - indicating an assessment that a weakness or imbalance in the record requires correction in order for the candidate eventually to qualify for promotion.
  3. "Unfavorable" - indicating an assessment that on the present evidence it appears unlikely that the candidate will eventually qualify for promotion.

B. Timing

Appraisal is to be conducted during the fourth year of combined service in the Assistant Professor rank of this series, service in the Regular Professor Series and other specified titles. See Appendix 14 for "Guide to Computation of Years of Service Which Count Toward the Eight-Year Limit."

A formal appraisal of the candidate’s performance is not necessarily restricted to the fourth-year post-appointment, but may be conducted at any time during service as a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor at the election of the department or when requested by the appointee, Dean, CAP (Council on Academic Personnel), or Chancellor.

When a required appraisal for an appointee in the Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor rank coincides with a review for a merit increase, a single combined dossier shall be submitted. The dossier is subject to the same review, approval authority policies, and procedural requirements as the appraisal.


Note: Whenever the department’s appraisal is “Unfavorable,” a vote must be taken and a recommendation made with respect to the separate question of the candidate’s continued appointment. A department may recommend (a) an “Unfavorable appraisal and continuation of appointment” or (b) anUnfavorable appraisal and non-renewal of appointment.” See Section VIII below on “Non-Renewal of Appointment of an Assistant Professor as a result of a Personnel Review” for procedures regarding non-renewal.

When the department recommends a “With Reservations” or “Unfavorable” appraisal of the likelihood of eventual promotion, if the record demonstrates positive elements, such as conscientious and effective service and/or patient care, the department may still recommend a merit increase.


C. No Appraisal

No Appraisal is required if the candidate:

  1. is being recommended for promotion effective the following July 1st;
  2. has been given notice of a terminal appointment;
  3. has not received a Fourth-Year Appraisal but is subject to an imminent Eight-Year Limit Review; or
  4. has given written notice of resignation.

D. Senate Review


Appraisal Type


Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor

All Appraisals

CAP (Review Committee will be appointed as appropriate)

E. Approval Authority

The Dean shall review the dossier and submit a statement recommending an appropriate Fourth-Year Appraisal to CAP. CAP shall review the dossier and the Dean’s statement, and shall make a recommendation to the Chancellor, who shall have approval authority. 


Appraisal Type


Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor

All Appraisals



VII. Eight-Year Limit Review of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor

A Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor who has completed eight years of service in that title or in combination with other designated titles, cannot be continued after the eighth year unless promoted to the Associate Professor rank. See Appendix 14, "Guide to the Computation of Years of Service Which Count Toward the Eight-Year Limit."

Submission and review of a dossier are required for consideration of promotion no later than the seventh year of service. Departments may recommend either to promote or not. If, as a final outcome of the review process, a decision not to promote is rendered, notice will be issued and a one-year terminal appointment will result.

A. Exclusions

1. A review during the seventh year of service is not conducted when:

  • the appointee has given written notice of resignation, or
  • a terminal appointment has already resulted as a consequence of a prior review.

2. A review during the seventh year of service may be postponed when:

  • a request for stopping the clock for substantial for childbearing, child rearing, serious health condition, disability, bereavement, or significant circumstance or event that disrupts a faculty member’s ability to pursue his or her duties, as provided in APM 133-17(h) has been previously approved, or
  • a leave of absence has been previously approved to be excluded from service toward the Eight-Year Limit has previously been approved.

See Appendix 25, "Leaves of Absence" for further information. For categories of certain leaves of absence that can be excluded from the count toward the Eight-Year Limit, see Appendix 14 for "Guide to the Computation of Years of Service Which Count Toward the Eight-Year Limit."

B. Senate Review

Medicine and Dentistry



Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor


C. Approval Authority

Medicine and Dentistry 



Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor


Note: The final decision by the Chancellor not to promote, cannot be made without the appropriate Preliminary Assessment notification process. See Section IX for process.

VIII. Non-Renewal/Non-Reappointment of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor as a result of a Personnel Review

Though an appointment to a title in this series is for a one-year term with a specified ending date, a recommendation not to reappoint made on the basis of performance, can only occur as the result of a review. See Section XI if non-reappointment is due to budgetary reasons, programmatic changes, or lack of work.

A. Senate Reviews



Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor


B. Approval Authority



Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor


Note: The final decision by the Chancellor not to renew, cannot be made without the appropriate Preliminary Assessment process. See Section IX for process.

IX. Preliminary Assessment of Non-Renewal/Non-Reappointment of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor

If as a result of a review of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor, Professor the Chancellor’s preliminary assessment is not to reappoint or promote or is contrary to the departmental recommendation, the Department Chair and the candidate shall be notified in writing by the Chancellor. The final decision by the Chancellor not to reappoint or promote shall not be made without the appropriate preliminary assessment notification process and the opportunity for the candidate to respond in writing.

A. Formal Procedures

  1. The Department Chair and the candidate shall be notified of the preliminary assesment in writing by the Chancellor and shall be provided with all records placed in the personnel review file subsequent to the departmental review.
  2. The candidate shall have the opportunity to provide additional information and documentation and may respond in writing either to the Department Chair or directly to the Chancellor.
  3. The Chair, after appropriate consultation within the department, shall have the opportunity to respond to the preliminary assessment in writing and to provide additional information and documentation.
  4. The personnel review file, augmented by the added material, shall then be considered in any stage of the review process as designated by the Chancellor before a final decision by the Chancellor is reached.

B. Terminal Appointment

When a personnel review results in a final decision (1) not to reappoint a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor or, (2) not to promote to Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor as the result of an Eight-Year Limit review, the Chancellor shall provide the candidate with written notification of a terminal year appointment. Whenever possible the written notification of a 12-month terminal year appointment shall be given to the candidate before the specified ending date of the current term appointment.

The candidate may make a written request to the Chancellor to provide a written statement of the reasons for the decision not to reappoint or promote. The written request must be made within 30 (thirty) calendar days of the notice of a  12-month terminal year appointment.

X. Reconsideration of Terminal Appointment of a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor

If, as a result of a personnel review, the Chancellor decides not to reappoint a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor, the candidate shall be given notice of a terminal year appointment. The faculty member may, during the period prior to the date of final termination, request reconsideration. The previous decision, nonetheless, shall be presumed to be correct, and it will be unusual for that decision, which resulted from a lengthy and careful set of reviews, to be reversed on reconsideration. Indeed, reversal of the decision will occur only in the light of substantial new evidence that corrects the area(s) of weakness in the original record to the extent that the total record now meets the standard for promotion.

Formal Procedures

  1.  A faculty member's request for reconsideration should be communicated to the Chair. The Chair should consult with the faculty member regarding the request and inform the faculty member in writing of the deadline for submission of additional materials, in order to permit timely departmental review. Departments should establish deadlines for making additions to the record and for scheduling, departmental faculty review, so that the case will undergo timely submission to the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office. Additions to the record may not be made after the deadline date established by the department. Unless a different deadline has been approved by the Chancellor, the deadline for submission to the Academic Affairs and Personnel Office of a request for reconsideration, including all additions to the record, is the announced date for submission of departmental recommendations in promotion cases. Submission of a request for reconsideration, consideration of the case in the personnel process, and/or reaffirmation of the original decision will not extend, or otherwise affect, the prior notice of terminal appointment.

    2. A departmental recommendation regarding reconsideration should be submitted by the Chair in accordance with normal academic personnel procedures. There must be a review and vote by the departmental faculty, recommending either reaffirmation or reversal of the previous decision, pursuant to the department's procedures for consideration of promotions of Assistant Professors. The department should:

​​​​​​a. explicitly identify what new evidence, if any, since the earlier review, is now in the file;

c. explicitly evaluate any new evidence; and

b. determine whether the new evidence, if any, is so substantial that, taken together with the record in the previous review, the earlier decision should be reversed.

3. The file must include new Certification Statements signed by the faculty member. In transmitting the departmental recommendation the Chair should include in his or her letter a summary of the department's consideration of each of the above three matters. By way of illustration, "substantial new evidence," as referred to above, might consist of evidence that a major piece of research, not previously reviewed, has been published or accepted for publication. Additional evaluations of previously submitted material will not be viewed as "substantial new evidence."

4. A request for reconsideration does not automatically initiate a re-evaluation of the case by means of the entire review process. After consultation with the Council on Academic Personnel the Chancellor determines whether a given case should be referred to a previously constituted ad hoc review committee or to a new committee. After the ad hoc committee makes its report the case is considered through normal review channels, including the Office of the appropriate Dean and the Council on Academic Personnel. Final action is taken by the Chancellor.


XI. Non-Reappointment of a Term Appointment for Budgetary Reasons, Programmatic Changes, or Lack of Work

Budgetary reasons include lack of sufficient self-generating funding or discontinuation of the funding for all or part of a program or project on which the appointee works and/or from which all or part of his or her salary is budgeted. Programmatic changes include discontinuation or restructuring of all or part of a program or project on which the appointee works. Lack of work may be because of a change in the emphasis of an on-going program, or project.

Prior to the Non-Renewal of a faculty member for such reasons, the Chair shall consult with the faculty of the department (or appropriate faculty body) before notifying the faculty member of the action to be taken.

A. Appointments with Ending Dates

  1. An appointment to a title in this series with a specified ending date expires by its own terms on that date, and additional notice of the ending of the appointment is not required. However, when an appointment has been renewed at least once, a reasonable period of notice of the ending date (3 months) should be given.
  2. If during the term of an appointment it becomes necessary to assign an earlier ending date, it is desirable that there be not less than 12 calendar months notice of the ending date of the appointment (if funding so permits).

If funding for 12 months is not available, then the following standards should apply:

a. 9 calendar months' notice for appointees at the Professor Rank; or

b. 6 calendar months' notice for appointees at the Associate Professor Rank; or

c. 3 calendar months' notice for appointees at the Assistant Professor Rank; or

d. 3 calendar months' notice for appointees at the rank of clinical instructor.


B. Request for Written Evaluation

  1. Upon receipt of notice of non-reappointment the appointee may request in writing a written evaluation of his or her academic performance. Such an evaluation will serve to establish for the record an institutional assessment of the appointee's qualifications and performance.
  2. The written statement shall be given to the appointee before the specified ending date whenever possible. The appointment will, however, end on the specified ending date regardless of the date of the statement.

Note: Faculty members of the School of Medicine who hold a salaried appointment at a hospital affiliated or associated with UCLA or at another affiliated institution, and an appointment at UCLA, are subject to the following policy:

"Continuance of an individual's UCLA appointment is contingent upon continuance of the individual's appointment at the affiliated or associated hospital or other affiliated institution pursuant to the policies and procedures of that institution."

In the case of a voluntary separation by an appointee at an affiliated or associated hospital or other healthcare facility, the UCLA appointment terminates simultaneous with the termination of the affiliated or associated hospital or other healthcare facility appointment. In the case of an involuntary termination of the appointment at an affiliated or associated hospital or other healthcare facility, the notice requirements described in A. and B. above are not applicable.

XII. Termination of an Appointment

Except as provided in Section XI, once a specific ending date has been established, termination of an appointment shall be made only for good cause and after the opportunity for a hearing before the properly constituted advisory committee of the Academic Senate.

When the reason for termination is for misconduct, unsatisfactory work performance, dereliction of duty or violation of University policy, the procedure described in APM- 150 opens a new window, Non-Senate Appointees/Corrective Action and Dismissal, shall apply.

For non-Senate academic appointees who are subject to peer review for performance evaluation, demotion and dismissal for unsatisfactory work performance shall involve the regular peer review process. Such a peer review shall be advisory to the administrator authorized to institute the demotion or dismissal action.

XIII. Five-Year Review for Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor and Health Sciences Clinical Professor

Academic Personnel Manual Section 200-0 opens a new window (pdf) mandates that "Every faculty member shall be reviewed at least every five years." Appendix 12 describes in detail the purpose of the Five-Year Review, the criteria to be applied, and the procedure involved. Two features are emphasized regarding the Five-Year Review:

  1. The Five-Year Review process only applies to those instances in which a faculty member has not been reviewed in the course of an appraisal, merit increase or promotion review in the previous five years; and
  2. the procedure is designed to be flexibly applied to the various professorial levels.




Revised 7/01/18

Web page updated 7/01/8