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Appendix 41: Contributions to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Synopsis of APM-210


I. Policy

In their deliberations and preparations of reports and recommendations, academic review and appraisal committees shall be guided by the policies and procedures set forth in the respective "Instructions" that appear below.

The following instructions apply to reviewing bodies for actions concerning appointees in the Professor series, the Professor-in-Residence series, the Professor of Clinical (X) series; the Health Science Clinical series; the Lecturer P/SOE Series; the Adjunct Professor series; and, the Academic Administrator and Academic Coordinator series.

II. Purpose and Responsibility

Equity, diversity, and inclusion are core values of the University of California and key components of the University’s commitment to excellence. Contributions to teaching, scholarship, and service that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion are encouraged and should be given due recognition during the faculty merit and promotion process, and, as stated in the UC Academic Personnel Manual (APM-210-1-d), “evaluated and credited in the same way as other faculty achievements.” Contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion should function as an inducement to contribute to the core values of the University. Although APM 210-1-d does not make it obligatory to incorporate comments about such contributions in applications for appointments, merits and advancements, UCLA is requiring such information in the file.

The present document offers guidance on the ways that UC faculty may choose to contribute to equity, diversity, and inclusion and designate those contributions in the academic review process. It also describes how University faculty may carry out the requirements of APM-210-1-d. Our aim is to ensure that contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion are recognized as important elements in faculty development and achievement, and are not treated as “invisible labor.”

UCLA recognizes that contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion may include a broad span of activities. APM 210-1-d includes, for example:


 • efforts to advance equitable access to education

 • public service that addresses the needs of California’s diverse population

 • research and scholarship in a scholar’s areas of expertise that highlight inequalities

 • mentoring and advising of students and faculty members, particularly from underrepresented and underserved populations


In addition to the above mentioned items, contributions may include:


 • encouraging diversity of thought; acknowledging that innovative ideas come from dissimilar teams, cultures, and sources

 • pedagogical practices and learning theories that create inclusive learning environments and communities

 • curriculum development that enhances equity, diversity, and inclusion

III. Assessment of Evidence

Additional considerations for academic units, appraisal committees, and review committees:


• contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion should be considered as part of a candidate’s file as a whole and should not function as a “fourth leg” of evaluation

• while separate statements may be appropriate, separate statements are not required; candidates may provide their contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion in their personal statement in the context of describing their contributions to teaching, scholarship, and service

• as with teaching, service, and scholarship, academic units should develop norms to evaluate contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion

• faculty committees appointed to evaluate academic personnel should be instructed to take these contributions into account in their evaluations, and Department chairs should comment on these contributions in their recommendation letters

• diversity should be construed broadly

• administrators should play a leadership role in ensuring that contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion are valued in all aspects of the University.